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The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) begins

ATel #11266; S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility team
on 7 Feb 2018; 01:43 UT
Credential Certification: Matthew Graham (

Subjects: Optical, Asteroid, Cataclysmic Variable, Comet, Star, Supernovae, Variables

S. R. Kulkarni on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) announces the first confirmed results from the project. ZTF is led by the California Institute of Technology, US and includes IPAC, US; Los Alamos National Laboratory, US; University of Maryland, US; University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, US; University of Washington, US; Oskar-Klein Center of the University of Stockholm, Sweden; DESY and Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany; Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; and the University System of Taiwan, Taiwan.

ZTF employs a 47 sq. deg. FOV camera mounted on the Samuel Oschin 48" Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory to scan more than 3750 sq. deg./hr to a depth of 20.5 mag. The data processing and archiving is centered at IPAC. Commissioning activities began in November 2017 and we now report results from the analysis of recent data.

Candidate transients were identified from ZTF observations taken on 2018-01-11 (UT) and followup spectra taken on 2018-01-22 (UT) with the Palomar 200" telescope and the The Double Spectrograph. Object classifications, phases and redshifts were obtained where appropriate using Superfit (Howell et al. 2005, ApJ, 634, 1190).

Survey Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Disc Mag | z | Type | Phase | Notes
ZTF18aaadqua | SN2018lq | 01:47:11.69 | +18:47:55.1 | 2458131.58391 | 18.2 | 0.07 | Ia | -4d | a
ZTF18aaaoaeq | SN2018mf | 10:22:09.78 | +10:26:23.9 | 2458132.93684 | 19.6 | 0.107 | Ia | -7d | b
ZTF18aaajrso | SN2018kv | 13:43:59.86 | +30:56:00.9 | 2458131.96891 | 18.8 | 0.08 | Ia | +0d | c
ZTF18aaaoktp | SN2018mg | 10:56:53.58 | +79:16:42.5 | 2458131.96044 | 20.1 | 0.11 | Ia | +5d | d
ZTF18aaanzph | SN2018kc | 10:30:58.44 | +23:47:18.2 | 2458131.96044 | 19.9 | 0.06 | Ia | +0d | e
ZTF18aaarlyh | - | 02:10:39.05 | +53:37:51.2 | 2458092.60025 | 17.7 | - | CV | - | f
ZTF18aaaeetk | - | 05:53:36.12 | +12:32:49.9 | 2458129.75191 | 17.6 | - | CV | - | g
ZTF18aaaaorq | - | 06:35:41.57 | +27:44:47.8 | 2458129.75723 | 18.0 | - | CV | - | h
ZTF18aaaedoi | - | 05:38:02.93 | +42:06:58.7 | 2458129.74659 | 19.2 | - | - | Pulsator? | i
a) Relatively narrow lines (Iax or 91T-like). Best superfit match is SN2005hk at z=0.07 a few days pre-peak. Also known as Gaia18ahc (
b) Redshift from narrow host galaxy lines. Good matches with normal SN Ia up to a week pre-peak.
c) Good matches with SN1999ee at peak. Also previously reported by TNTS (
d) Good matches with SN1990N a few days past peak.
e) In the outskirts of galaxy SDSS J103059.27+234718.7 at z=0.063. Also known as ATLAS18ecc and MLS180123:103058+234718 ( Best superfit match is with SN2002bo at peak.
f) Coincident with a source in PanSTARRS (g: 21.1, r: 20.5, i: 19.7). Probably a weak dwarf nova.
g) Broad absorption lines from the accreting white dwarf. No detection in PanSTARRS. Probably a superoutburst from a CV.
h) No detection in PanSTARRS. Probably a dwarf nova.
i) Coincident with a source in PanSTARRS (g: 21.6, r: 20.8, i: 20.7). Spectrum suggests an F-type star. Light curve is steadily increasing over 3 days so could be a pulsator.

We encourage continued observations of these to aid identification.

80,000 observations of about 10,000 objects (including ~150 new asteroids) have been submitted to the Minor Planet Center. In addition, the commissioning data was searched for the ephemeris positions of all comets brighter than V~20 mag and 5000 images have been identified of 100 different comets. This data set includes several objects of high interest: images of CO+ ions at comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS), the newly identified main belt comet 2000 XO8, and Deep Impact spacecraft flyby targets 9P/Tempel 1 and 103P/Hartley 2.