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Las Campanas spectroscopic classification of young optical transients

ATel #14253; Regis Cartier (CTIO/NOIRLab), Carlos Contreras(LCO), Alberto Pasten(LCO) and Carla Fuentes (LCO)
on 9 Dec 2020; 06:10 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Carlos Contreras (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

We report the spectroscopic classification of transients discovered by Zwicky Transient Facility (; Kulkarni et al. 2018, ATel #11266) and by the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae ASAS-SN (see Shappee et al. 2014, ApJ, 788, 48 and ). The ZTF data stream was processed through ALeRCe( The observations were performed with the IMACS spectrograph mounted on Walter Baade 6.5-m Magellan telescope on Las Campanas Observatory. We used SNID (Blondin and Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) cross-correlation software to classify the SN candidates spectra. We found ZTF20acuxihb and ZTF20acuxrzj spectra match SNe II-P around maximum light. ZTF20acuwwcx, ZTF20acuxpwz, ZTF20acuzfpk and ASASSN-20pf spectra match young SNe-Ia before maximum light. ZTF20acuxjus does a good fit a SN-Ic around maximum, while the nature of ZTF20acvmzfv keeps unclear.

Survey name  |  RA (J2000)   |  Dec (J(2000)|    UT    |  z     | Type     | Phase(SNID) | Notes 
AT2020abqj   |  07:21:16.112 | +22:20:53.73 | Dec07.31 |  ---   | Var. Star|    ---      |  --- 
ASASSN-20pf  |  08:21:32.626 | -80:34:01.06 | Dec07.33 | 0.024  | SN Ia    |  -7 to -4 d | (2,5) 
ZTF20acuxihb |  23:59:57.081 | +04:54:06.62 | Dec07.09 | 0.031  | SN II    |   young     | (1) 
ZTF20acuwwcx |  22:11:07.095 | -13:57:46.4  | Dec07.07 | 0.088  | SN Ia    |  -7 to -4 d | (1,5) 
ZTF20acuxjus |  00:47:18.922 | +00:24:18.15 | Dec07.12 | 0.058  | SN Ic    |   near max. | (1,3,5) 
ZTF20acuxpwz |  02:40:25.485 | -01:11:48.65 | Dec07.19 | 0.139  | SN Ia    |  -7 to -4 d | (1,5) 
ZTF20acuxrzj |  00:37:44.655 | -05:12:22.42 | Dec07.16 | 0.045  | SN II    |   young     | (1) 
ZTF20acuzfpk |  05:13:33.682 | -19:30:05.66 | Dec07.29 | 0.057  | SN Ia    |   young     | (2) 
ZTF20acvbvyb |  03:04:50.724 | -01:10:50.10 | Dec07.22 | 0.111  | SN Ia-91T|   near max. | (2,5) 
ZTF20acvmzfv |  01:00:34.040 | -08:07:00.67 | Dec08.08 | 0.060  | SN?      |   young     | (1,4) 
(1) Redshift measured from host galaxy narrow emission lines. 
(2) Host galaxy redshift from NED. 
(3) Similar to SN 2004aw near maximum light. 
(4) The object shows a blue spectrum with very broad spectral features. In particular, a broad  spectral feature between 613 and 680 nm could be attributed to Halpha. The object is located in a faint host at z=0.060. At this redshift the absolute magnitude at the discovery was -17.9. A deep non-detection is reported by ZTF two days prior discovery. Follow-up observations are encouraged. 
(5) Phase relative to maximum light estimated using SNID.