Bright ZTF transients
ATel #11615; C. Fremling, S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech), K. Taggart, D. Perley (LJMU) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility collaboration
on 7 May 2018; 08:13 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Christoffer Fremling (
Subjects: AGN, Supernovae, Transient
As a part of ongoing commissioning of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; ATel #11266) Alert Infrastructure, here we report bright probable supernovae identified in the raw alert stream resulting from the public ZTF Northern Sky Survey ("Celestial Cinematagrophy"; see Bellm & Kulkarni, Nature Astronomy 1, 71, 2017). The filtering criteria are the following: (1) Candidate brightness < 19 mag (g, or r band). (2) Farther than 20 arcsec from bright stars (< 15 mag). (3) A minimum of two detections separated by at least 30 minutes. (4) No star-like source directly underneath the candidate (we employ a machine-learning star-galaxy separator, based on PS1 data; cf. Miller et al. AJ 153, 73, 2017). We report discoveries starting from 2018-04-14. ZTF18aajpjdi has been classified as part of our validation. ZTF18aajtlbf, ZTF18aamfrvy and ZTF18aaovbiy are previously known supernovae.
Survey Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | DEC (J2000) | Discovery date | Discovery mag | Current mag date | Current mag | Non-detection date | Last non-detection | Class | Notes
ZTF18aajpkwd | AT2018bfw | 13:50:12.25 | +18:12:58.83 | 2018-04-14.31 | 19.4 (r) | 2018-05-04.31 | 18.9 (r) | - | - | AGN |
ZTF18aajpjdi | SN2018bfx | 13:18:06.63 | +27:52:24.22 | 2018-04-14.31 | 20.0 (r) | 2018-05-06.17 | 18.5 (r) | 2018-04-14.28 | 20.1 (r) | SN Ia | (1)
ZTF18aajrutf | AT2018bfy | 16:49:55.90 | +53:57:13.70 | 2018-04-14.38 | 18.7 (r) | 2018-05-06.28 | 19.0 (g) | - | - | - |
ZTF18aajtlbf | SN2018bbz | 17:27:52.23 | +60:05:43.82 | 2018-04-14.42 | 18.2 (r) | 2018-05-06.43 | 17.7 (g) | - | - | SN Ia | (2)
ZTF18aairvox | AT2018bfz | 09:03:21.04 | +46:45:17.74 | 2018-04-15.19 | 18.2 (r) | 2018-04-23.17 | 18.2 (r) | - | - | - |
ZTF18aakrnvd | AT2018bga | 14:56:20.24 | +21:03:44.79 | 2018-04-18.29 | 20.1 (r) | 2018-05-04.33 | 18.8 (r) | - | - | - |
ZTF18aamfrvy | SN2018ahe | 14:57:09.52 | +19:41:59.81 | 2018-04-21.36 | 19.0 (r) | 2018-05-04.33 | 18.8 (r) | - | - | SN IIP | (3)
ZTF18aaovbiy | SN2018bdo | 15:26:38.30 | +28:51:58.58 | 2018-04-24.38 | 19.5 (r) | 2018-05-04.34 | 18.7 (r) | 2018-03-20.40 | 19.5 (r) | SN Ia | (4)
ZTF18aapictz | AT2018bdg | 11:59:37.00 | +27:31:50.10 | 2018-05-05.17 | 18.3 (r) | 2018-05-06.17 | 18.3 (r) | - | - | - | (5)
ZTF18aaphzut | AT2018bgb | 12:29:17.59 | +06:20:28.11 | 2018-05-05.17 | 18.8 (r) | 2018-05-06.17 | 18.7 (r) | - | - | - |
Notes: (1) Spec. z = 0.0746. (2) Spec. z = 0.02783. Classified by NUTS (ATel #11587). (3) Spec. z = 0.01564. Classified by ASAS-SN. (4) Spec. z = 0.07743. Classified by NUTS (ATel #11592). (5) Previously discovered by Gaia on 2018-04-28.
We encourage spectroscopic follow-up.
Going forward, it is our intention to submit, on a daily basis, candidates meeting these criteria to the Transient Name Server ( Our filtering criteria are subject to change as commissioning proceeds; major changes will be announced in subsequent ATels.
ZTF is a project led by PI S. R. Kulkarni at Caltech (see ATEL #11266), and includes IPAC; WIS, Israel; OKC, Sweden; JSI/UMd, USA; UW,USA; DESY, Germany; NRC, Taiwan; UW Milwaukee, USA and LANL USA. ZTF acknowledges the generous support of the NSF under AST MSIP Grant No 1440341. Alert filtering is being undertaken by the GROWTH marshal system, supported by NSF PIRE grant 1545949. The spectrum of ZTF18aajpjdi was obtained with LT/SPRAT. Classification was done with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).