Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Candidates
ATel #13596; C. Fremling, A. Dahiwale and S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility
on 28 Mar 2020; 23:19 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Christoffer Fremling (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; ATel #11266) Bright Transient Survey (BTS; ATel #11688), being a robotic facility, continues to operate during this difficult period. The P48 dome opened recently, after nearly a month long hiatus due to a winter storm. Here we report bright probable supernovae recently identified in the raw alert stream from the public ZTF Northern Sky Survey. All candidates have been reported to the Transient Name Server (TNS).
Survey Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. date | Disc. mag | Limit mag | Limit date | Notes |
------------- | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | -------------- | --------------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ----- |
ZTF20aattoch | AT20fcu | 14:24:08.921 | +12:15:31.37 | 2020-03-28.44 | 17.18 (r) | 20.620 | 2020-03-06.51 | - |
ZTF20aattnyx | AT20fcv | 14:12:31.403 | +20:08:57.96 | 2020-03-28.44 | 19.00 (r) | 20.620 | 2020-03-06.51 | - |
ZTF20aattotq | AT20fcw | 14:28:32.005 | +27:24:29.90 | 2020-03-28.44 | 16.29 (r) | 17.450 | 2020-03-09.40 | - |
ZTF20aatqgeo | AT20fcx | 13:40:10.019 | +23:20:29.51 | 2020-03-28.31 | 18.25 (g) | 20.690 | 2020-03-06.51 | - |
ZTF20aasvmbk | AT20egt | 15:04:50.641 | +24:24:35.75 | 2020-03-03.43 | 20.55 (g) | 19.890 | 2020-03-03.59 | (1) |
Notes: (1) Also reported by ATLAS as ATLAS20hvb.
We encourage spectroscopic followup from any facility that still remains open.
ZTF is a project led by PI S. R. Kulkarni at Caltech (see ATEL #11266), and includes IPAC; WIS, Israel; OKC, Sweden; JSI/UMd, USA; UW,USA; DESY, Germany; NRC, Taiwan; UW Milwaukee, USA and LANL USA. ZTF acknowledges the generous support of the NSF under AST MSIP Grant No 1440341. Alert distribution service provided by the DiRAC Institute at the University of Washington. Alert filtering is being undertaken by the GROWTH marshal system, supported by NSF PIRE grant 1545949.