Spectroscopic Classification of optical transients with MDM
ATel #11999; Subhash Bose, Xiao-Wei Duan, Ping Chen, Subo Dong (KIAA-PKU), Justin Rupert (MDM), K. Z. Stanek (OSU), J.-L. Prieto (UDP)
on 1 Sep 2018; 07:15 UT
Credential Certification: Subhash Bose (bose@pku.edu.cn)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report optical spectroscopic observation of supernova candidates ASASSN-18ta/2018fgj (ATel #11979), ATLAS18tzn/2018fgd, ZTF18abojrnv/2018fjp using OSMOS (range 398-686 nm) mounted on the MDM 2.4m telescope at KPNO. Targets were discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN, Shappee et al. 2014), Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; ATel #11266) and ATLAS survey (Tonry et al. 2011 and Tonry et al. ATel #8680).
Survey Name | IAU Name | Obsv. Date | Spec. Type | Phase | Redshift | Notes
ASASSN-18ta | SN 2018fgj | 2018-08-29.46 | Ia | Near max.| 0.030978 (NED) | (1)
ATLAS18tzn | AT 2018fgd | 2018-08-28.24 | CV | --- | --- |
ZTF18abojrnv | AT 2018fjp | 2018-08-28.27 | CV | --- | --- | (2)
(1) We used SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) to identify the type and phase of the SN. The SNID estimated redshift is consistent with that of the host galaxy.
(2) Classification is consistent with that reported by Fremling et al. in TNS.