First SN Discoveries from the Dark Energy Survey
ATel #4668; T. Abbott (1), F. Abdalla (2), I. Achitouv (3), E. Ahn (4), G. Aldering (6), S. Allam (4), D. Alonso (5), A. Amara (8), J. Annis (4), M. Antonik (2), A. Aragon-Salamanca (9), R. Armstrong (10), C. Ashall (2), J. Asorey (11), D. Bacon (12), E. Balbinot (13, 14), M. Banerji (15), K. Barbary (16), W. Barkhouse (17), L. Baruah (18), A. Bauer (11), K. Bechtol (19), M. Becker (19), R. Bender (3), C. Benoist (20, 14), A. Benoit-Levy (2), M. Bernardi (10), G. Bernstein (10), J. P. Bernstein (16), R. Bernstein (21), E. Bertin (22), E. Beynon (12), S. Bhattacharya (16), T. Biesiadzinski (23), R. Biswas (16), C. Blake (24), J. S. Bloom (6), S. Bocquet (3), C. Brandt (25, 14), S. Bridle (2), D. Brooks (2), P. J. Brown (32), R. Brunner (26), E. Buckley-Geer (4), D. Burke (27), A. Burkert (3), M. Busha (28), J. Campa (7), H. Campbell (12), R. Cane (10), D. Capozzi (12), J. Carlstrom (19), A. Carnero Rosell (29, 14), M. Carollo (8), M. Carrasco-Kind (26), J. Carretero (11), M. Carter (18), R. Casas (11), F. J. Castander (11), Y. Chen (3), I. Chiu (3), C. Chue (26), J. Clampitt (10), L. Clerkin (2), J. Cohn (6), M. Colless (30), E. Copeland (9), R. A. Covarrubias (26), R. Crittenden (12), M. Crocce (11), C. Cunha (27), L. da Costa (29, 14), C. D'Andrea (12), S. Das (16), R. Das (23), T. M. Davis (31), S. Deb (16), D. DePoy (32), G. Derylo (4), S. Desai (3), F. de Simoni (29, 14), M. Devlin (10), H. T. Diehl (4), J. Dietrich (3), S. Dodelson (4, 19), P. Doel (2), K. Dolag (3), G. Efstathiou (15), T. Eifler (10), B. Erickson (23), M. Eriksen (11), J. Estrada (4), J. Etherington (12), A. Evrard (23), S. Farrens (11), A. Fausti Neto (14), E. Fernandez (33), P. C. Ferreira (25, 14), D. Finley (4), J. A. Fischer (10), B. Flaugher (4), P. Fosalba (11), J. Frieman (4, 19), C. Furlanetto (13, 14), J. Garcia-Bellido (5), E. Gaztanaga (11), M. Gelman (26), D. Gerdes (23), T. Giannantonio (3), S. Gilhool (10), M. Gill (27), M. Gladders (19), L. Gladney (10), K. Glazebrook (24), M. Gray (9), D. Gruen (3), R. Gruendl (26), R. Gupta (10), G. Gutierrez (4), S. Habib (16), E. Hall (2), S. Hansen (34), J. Hao (4), K. Heitmann (16), J. Helsby (19), R. Henderson (3), C. Hennig (3), W. High (19), M. Hirsch (2), K. Hoffmann (11), K. Holhjem (1), K. Honscheid (35), O. Host (2), B. Hoyle (3), W. Hu (19), E. Huff (35), D. Huterer (23), B. Jain (10), D. James (1), M. Jarvis (10), M. J. Jarvis (36), T. Jeltema (21), M. Johnson (26), S. Jouvel (11), T. Kacprzak (2), I. Karliner (26), J. Katsaros (18), S. Kent (4, 19), R. Kessler (19), A. Kim (6), T. Kim-Vy (32), L. King (37), D. Kirk (2), C. Kochanek (35), M. Kopp (3), J. Koppenhoefer (3), E. Kovacs (16), E. Krause (10), A. Kravtsov (19), R. Kron (19, 4), K. Kuehn (16), M. Kuemmel (3), S. Kuhlmann (16), A. Kunder (1), N. Kuropatkin (4), J. Kwan (16), O. Lahav (2), B. Leistedt (2), M. Levi (6), P. Lewis (27), A. Liddle (18), C. Lidman (30), S. Lilly (8), H. Lin (4), J. Liu (3), C. Lopez-Arenillas (11), W. Lorenzon (23), M. LoVerde (19), Z. Ma (26), R. Maartens (38, 12), N. Maccrann (2), L. Macri (32), M. Maia (29, 14), M. Makler (25, 14), M. Manera (12), C. Maraston (12), M. March (18), K. Markovic (3), J. Marriner (4), J. Marshall (32), S. Marshall (27), P. Martini (35), P. Marti Sanahuja (33), J. Mayers (18), T. McKay (23), R. McMahon (15), P. Melchior (35), K. W. Merritt (4), A. Merson (2), C. Miller (23), R. Miquel (33), J. Mohr (3), T. Moore (26), M. Mortonson (35), J. Mosher (10), J. Mould (24), P. Mukherjee (18), E. Neilsen (4), C. Ngeow (39), R. Nichol (12), D. Nidever (23), B. Nord (4), P. Nugent (6), R. Ogando (29, 14), L. Old (9), J. Olsen (4), F. Ostrovski (29, 14), K. Paech (3), A. Papadopoulos (12), C. Papovich (32), K. Patton (35), J. Peacock (40), P. S. S. Pellegrini (29, 14), J. Peoples (4), W. Percival (12), S. Perlmutter (6), D. Petravick (26), A. Plazas (41), R. Ponce (7), G. Poole (24), A. Pope (16), A. Refregier (8), R. Reyes (19), P. Ricker (26), N. Roe (6), K. Romer (18), A. Roodman (27), P. Rooney (18), A. Ross (12), B. Rowe (2), E. Rozo (27), E. Rykoff (27), C. Sabiu (2), R. Saglia (3), M. Sako (10), A. Sanchez (3), C. Sanchez (33), E. Sanchez (7), J. Sanchez (7), B. Santiago (13, 14), A. Saro (3), V. Scarpine (4), R. Schindler (27), B. P. Schmidt (42), R. L. Schmitt (4), M. Schubnell (23), S. Seitz (3), R. Senger (3), I. Sevilla (7), R. Sharp (42), E. Sheldon (41), R. Sheth (10), R. C. Smith (1), M. Smith (38), J. Snigula (3), M. Soares-Santos (4), F. Sobreira (29, 14), J. Song (23), M. Soumagnac (2), H. Spinka (16), A. Stebbins (4), C. Stoughton (4), E. Suchyta (35), R. Suhada (3), M. Sullivan (43), F. Sun (26), N. Suntzeff (32), W. Sutherland (44), M. E. C. Swanson (45), A. J. Sypniewski (23), R. Szepietowski (12), R. Talaga (16), G. Tarle (23), E. Tarrant (9), S. Thaithara Balan (2), J. Thaler (26), D. Thomas (12), R. C. Thomas (6), D. Tucker (4), S. A. Uddin (24), S. Ural (23), V. Vikram (10), L. Voigt (2), A. R. Walker (1), T. Walker (35), R. Wechsler (27), D. Weinberg (35), J. Weller (3), W. Wester (4), M. Wetzstein (3), M. White (6), H. Wilcox (12), D. Wilman (3), B. Yanny (4), J. Young (35), A. Zablocki (19), A. Zenteno (3), Y. Zhang (23), J. Zuntz (2); (1) NOAO/CTIO, (2) University College London, (3) Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, (4) Fermilab, (5) Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, (6) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, (7) CIEMAT, (8) ETH-Zurich, (9) University of Nottingham, (10) University of Pennsylvania, (11) Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai (IEEC/CSIC), (12) University of Portsmouth, (13) UFRGS, (14) LIneA, (15) University of Cambridge, (16) Argonne National Laboratory, (17) University of North Dakota, (18) University of Sussex, (19) University of Chicago, (20) Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, (21) UC Santa Cruz, (22) Institut Astrophysique de Paris, (23) University of Michigan, (24) Swinburne University of Technology, (25) CBPF, (26) University of Illinois / NCSA, (27) Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, (28) University of Zurich, (29) Observatorio Nacional, (30) Australian Astronomical Observatory, (31) University of Queensland, (32) Texas A&M University, (33) IFAE, (34) Boston Consulting Group, (35) Ohio State University, (36) University of Oxford, (37) University of Texas at Dallas, (38) University of the Western Cape, (39) Taiwan Central University, (40) University of Edinburgh, (41) Brookhaven National Laboratory, (42) Australian National University, (43) University of Southampton, (44) Queen Mary London, (45) Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
on 22 Dec 2012; 14:34 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Masao Sako (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
Referred to by ATel #: 4725, 4741, 4800, 4826, 5463, 5548, 5568, 5603, 5642, 5757, 5985, 6515, 6520, 6531, 6549, 6559, 6561, 6589, 6635, 6636, 7973, 8164, 8167, 8367, 8413, 8424, 8451, 8460, 8464, 8538, 8564, 8627, 8658, 8673, 8707, 8717, 8797, 8952, 8954, 9460, 9483, 9490, 9504, 9505, 9570, 9633, 9636, 9700, 9742, 9855, 9953, 9961, 10759, 10913, 11146, 11147, 11148, 11150, 11151, 11679, 11717
First SN Discoveries from the Dark Energy Survey
The Dark Energy Survey (DES) report the discovery of the first set of
supernovae (SN) from the project. Images were observed as part of the DES
Science Verification phase using the newly-installed 570-Megapixel Dark Energy
Camera on the CTIO Blanco 4-m telescope by observers J. Annis,
E. Buckley-Geer, and H. Lin. SN observations are planned throughout the
observing campaign on a regular cadence of 4-6 days in each of the ten 3-deg2
fields in the DES griz filters. The SN candidates are named according to the
season and field in which they were discovered. We adopt the convention --
DES{season}{field}{index} -- where {season} is the year pertaining to the
beginning of each observing season, {field} denotes one of the ten SN search
fields (E1,E2,S1,S2,X1,X2,X3,C1,C2,C3) in Elais-S1 (E), Stripe 82 (S), XMM-LSS
(X) and CDF-S (C), and {index} is one or more lower-case letters starting from
a-z, then aa-az, and so on. The DES SN Survey strategy is described in
Bernstein et al. (2012, ApJ, 753, 152).
Spectroscopic classifications were performed by the OzDES collaboration
from spectra (350-900 nm) obtained at the Anglo-Australian Telescope with
AAOmega-2dF observed by C. Lidman, R. Sharp, and S. A. Uddin. Classifications
were performed using Superfit (Howell et al 2002, BAAS, 34, 1256) or SNID
(Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). Redshifts measured from narrow
galaxy lines are quoted to 3 significant figures. Those measured from broad
SN features are quoted to 2 significant figures. SN phases are based on both
the optical spectra and multi-band light curves at the time of the
spectroscopic measurements.
Name | RA(J2000) | Dec(J2000) | Discovery | Discovery | Spectrum | redshift | type | phase
| | | date (UT) | r mag | date (UT) | | |
DES12C1a | 03:38:54.5 | -27:32:28.2 | 2012 Dec 07 | 22.0 | 2012 Dec 13 | 0.303 | Ia | near max
DES12C1b | 03:35:05.8 | -26:45:53.9 | 2012 Dec 07 | 20.9 | 2012 Dec 13 | 0.243 | Ia | near max
DES12C2a | 03:41:13.1 | -28:59:37.9 | 2012 Dec 04 | 21.5 | 2012 Dec 14 | 0.21 | Ia | near max