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Classification of 5 DES supernovae by MMT

ATel #8952; P. Challis, R. Kirshner, K. Mandel, A. Avelino (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), R. J. Foley, Y.-C. Pan (University of Illinois), R. Casas, F. J. Castander (ICE, IEEC/CSIC, Barcelona), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), M. Schubnell (University of Michigan), R. Kessler, J. Lasker, D. Scolnic (University of Chicago), D. J. Brout, L. Gladney, M. Sako, R. C. Wolf (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), R. Nichol, A. Papadopoulos (University of Portsmouth), M. Childress, C. D'Andrea, M. Smith, M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), R. Maartens (University of the Western Cape), R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. A. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, A. G. Kim, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), K. Barbary, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory + University of California, Berkeley)
on 15 Apr 2016; 15:39 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Mathew Smith (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

We report optical spectroscopy of 5 supernovae discovered by the Dark Energy Survey (ATel #4668). The spectra (330-850nm) were obtained using the Blue Channel Spectrograph on the MMT. Object classification was performed using SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) and superfit (Howell et al, 2005, ApJ, 634, 119), the details of which are reported in the table below.

Name       | RA (J2000)| Dec (J2000)|Discovery  |Discovery|Spectrum   |Redshift| Type  |  Phase  |Notes 
           |           |            |Date (UT)  |Mag (r)  |Date (UT)  |        |       |         | 
DES15X2kvt |02:21:46:25|-05:38:23.4 |2015 Oct 02|  22.2   |2015 Oct 13| 0.405  | SNIa? |  max    | 
DES15C3hav |03:31:52.17|-28:15:09.5 |2015 Oct 15|  23.4   |2015 Nov 09| 0.392  |SLSN-I | -5 days |a,b 
DES15X3lya |02:23:19.50|-04:04:04.2 |2015 Oct 31|  22.8   |2015 Nov 09| 0.29   | SNIa  | -8 days |c 
DES15S1lyi |02:48:51.28|-00:09:07.9 |2015 Oct 29|  22.6   |2015 Nov 09| 0.359  | SNIa? |  max    |a,d 
DES15X2men |02:20:53.60|-06:35:36.0 |2015 Oct 31|  22.8   |2015 Nov 09| 0.334  | SNIa  |  max    |a 
a). Redshift from galaxy emission features. 
b). Spectroscopically similar to iPTF13ajg, but has an absolute magnitude of M=-19.6. 
c). Previously classified in ATEL #8367. Classification matches that reported previously. 
d). Previously classified in ATEL #8413. Classification and redshift matches that reported previously.