Spectroscopic Confirmation of DES13X1kae
ATel #5548; M. Smith (University of the Western Cape), B. Bassett, E. Kasai (University of Cape Town, AIMS, SAAO), S. M. Crawford, P. Vaisanen, D. Buckley (SALT, SAAO), R. Maartens (UWC, University of Portsmouth), R. C. Smith (NOAO/CTIO), R. Kessler (University of Chicago), R. A. Covarrubias (University of Illinois / NCSA), R. Cane, J. A. Fischer, L. Gladney, M. March, M. Sako (University of Pennsylvania), P. J. Brown, K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (Texas A&M University), C. D'Andrea, R. Nichol, A. Papadopoulos (University of Portsmouth), M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), K. Barbary, J. P. Bernstein, R. Biswas, R. Gupta, E. Kovacs, S. Kuhlmann, H. Spinka (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Ahn, D. Finley, J. Frieman, J. Marriner, W. Wester (Fermilab), G. Aldering, J. S. Bloom, D. Goldstein, A. Kim, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, R. C. Thomas (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), R. Foley (University of Illinois), S. Desai, K. Paech (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich)
on 5 Nov 2013; 15:58 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Mathew Smith (matsmith2@gmail.com)
Referred to by ATel #: 5568
We report optical spectroscopy of a supernova (SN) candidate discovered by the Dark Energy Survey (ATel #4668).
The spectrum (400-850 nm) of DES13X1kae was obtained using the Robert Stobie Spectrograph (RSS) on the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT).
A fit of the spectrum with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) reveals this event to be a type Ia supernova at z=0.15 at peak brightness. This redshift is confirmed by emission features from the host galaxy at z=0.149.
The phase at the date of the spectrum given below is based on the DES light curves.
Name | RA(J2000) | Dec(J2000) | Discovery | Discovery | Spectrum | redshift | type | phase | notes
| | | date (UT) | i mag | date (UT) | | | |
DES13X1kae | 02:15:37.11 | -04:12:33.1 | 2013 Oct 09 | 22.43 | 2013 Oct 29 | 0.149 | Ia | around peak | (1)
(1) SNID matches indicate that the SN is similar to
SN 1991T