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GMRT observation of radio flare in Cygnus X-3 at 614 MHz

ATel #809; Sabyasachi Pal (NCRA, India), C. H. Ishwara-Chandra (NCRA, India), A. Pramesh Rao (NCRA, India)
on 14 May 2006; 15:20 UT
Credential Certification: Sabyasachi Pal (

Subjects: Radio, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 828, 984, 1028, 14298, 14397

Cygnus X-3 is in flaring state in the radio and X-ray band for the last few days (ATEL #806 and #807). We have observed Cygnus X-3 with Giant Meter Radio Telescope (GMRT), India at 614 MHz. These observations are centered at UT 10.91, 11.92, 12.98 of May 2006 (MJD 53865.9, 53866.9, 53868.0). Comparing GMRT flux measurements with the flux at higher radio frequency (ATEL #806), we conclude that the source is optically thick in 614 MHz. The flux continue to rise for the last three days.
The flux of Cygnus X-3 for last three days are given below.
UT 10.91 May 2006: 1.4 Jy
UT 11.92 May 2006: 4.1 Jy
UT 12.98 May 2006: 7.5 Jy
Further radio observations are planned with GMRT.