NIR Flare of the Blazar HB89 1803+784
ATel #8023; L. Carrasco, E. Recillas, A. Porras, V. Chavushyan, A. Carraminana (INAOE, Mexico)
on 9 Sep 2015; 02:16 UT
Credential Certification: LUIS CARRASCO (
Subjects: Radio, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar
We report on the recent NIR brightening of the intermediate redshift quasar HB89 1803+784,(z=0.68), cross identified with the radio source S51803+78 and the gamma-ray source 2FGLJ1800.5+7829. On August 23rd,2015 (MJD 2457257.8152, we found the source with the following fluxes in NIR bands: J = 12.508 +/- 0.02, H = 11.808 +/- 0.04 and Ks = 11.228 +/- 0.08. These are to be compared with our previous observation on MJD 2456993, when the source had, J = 13.961, H = 13.045 and Ks = 12.306. Hence the source has had an increment of about 1.4 mag in this lapse. The source has been reported with an important increase of flux in optical wavelengths by Lampens and Van Cauteren (Atel # 7988). Our observations are carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico), equipped with the instrument CANICA a NIR camera. We strongly encourage further multiwavelength coverage.