A recent NIR Flare and similar amplitude fluctuations near maximum light of the blazar [HB89] 1803+784
ATel #16344; L. Carrasco, G. Escobedo, A. Porras, E. Recillas, L. Felix; (INAOE, Mexico)
on 21 Nov 2023; 21:43 UT
Credential Certification: LUIS CARRASCO (carrasco@inaoep.mx)
Subjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, Gamma Ray, TeV, AGN, Blazar, Quasar
We here report on the recent NIR brightening and similar amplitude fluctuations near maximum light in a lapse of about 126 days for the intermediate redshift quasar [HB89] 1803+784,(z=0.68), cross identified with the radio source S51803+78 and the gamma-ray source 2FGLJ1800.5+7829. On November 3rd 2023 (JD2460251.6146) we found the object showing a new outburst. In the H band, H=11.558+/-0.02. This is a flux about 12 times brighter than the historically light minimum observed over a lapse of 14 years, H = 14.268 +/- 0.04 on JD 2457653.7741. Recent H-band photometry is listed below.
JD Filter Mag
2460125.9435 H 11.550+/-0.046;
2460192.7410 H 13.048+/-0.030;
2460251.6146 H 11.558+/-0.022.
In the past, we had reported other NIR flares for this object (ATel#15505 and ATel#8023). Our observations are carried out with the CANICA a NIR camera on the 2.1m telescope at the Observatorio Astrofisico Guillermo Haro, which is operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE, Mexico). We encourage further multiwavelength observations.