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A New NIR Flare of the Blazar HB89 1803+784

ATel #15505; L. Carrasco, A. Porras, G. Escobedo, E. Recillas, (INAOE, Mexico)
on 7 Jul 2022; 02:54 UT
Credential Certification: LUIS CARRASCO (

Subjects: Radio, Infra-Red, AGN, Blazar, Quasar

Referred to by ATel #: 16344

We report on the recent NIR brightening of the intermediate redshift quasar HB89 1803+784,(z=0.68), cross identified with the radio source S51803+78 and the gamma-ray source 2FGLJ1800.5+7829. On May 28th, 2022. (MJD 2459127.6921, we found the source with the following fluxes in NIR bands: J = 12.81 +/- 0.03, H = 11.970 +/- 0.03 and Ks = 11.284 +/- 0.04. These values are to be compared with our previous observation on MJD 2459692.98, when the source fluxes were, J = 13.645, H = 12.944 and Ks = 12.113. Hence, the source has had an increment of about 1 mag in this lapse. The source has been reported with an important increase of flux in optical wavelengths by Lampens and Van Cauteren (Atel # 7988). During 2015 we reported a previous flare for this object (Atel #8023)Our observations are carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico), equipped with the instrument CANICA a NIR camera. We strongly encourage further multiwavelength coverage.