Gaia Alerts classified at the William Herschel Telescope
ATel #6593; G. Rixon, M. Fraser, S. Koposov, N. Blagorodnova, H. Campbell, S. T. Hodgkin, G. van Leeuwen, N. Walton (University of Cambridge), L. Wyrzykowski (Warsaw Observatory), T. Wevers, P. Jonker, S. van Velzen (RU Nijmegen), S. Benetti (Padova Observatory), E. Breedt (University of Warwick), G. Busso (University of Cambridge), R. Busuttil (Open University), C. Davis (Liverpool John Moores), F. De Angeli (University of Cambridge), M. Dennefeld (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris), N. Elias-Rosa (Padova Observatory), D. W. Evans (University of Cambridge), D. Froebrich (University of Kent), B. Gaensicke (University of Warwick), G. Gilmore (University of Cambridge), A. Gomboc (University of Ljubljana), A. Hamanowicz (Warsaw University Observatory), B. Handzlik (Warsaw University Observatory), L. Hardy (University of Sheffield), K. Ilkiewicz (Warsaw University Observatory), M. Irwin (University of Cambridge), J. F. Jarvis (Open University), D. A. Kann (TLS Tautenburg), U. Kolb (Open University), S. Komossa (MPIfR), Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, S. Littlefair (University of Sheffield), A. Mahabal (Caltech), P. O'Brien (University of Leicester), P. Ochner (Padova Observatory), M. Riello (University of Cambridge), M. Pawlak (Warsaw University Observatory), A. Pigulski (University of Wroclaw), R. Pretorius (University of Oxford), K. Rybicki (Warsaw University Observatory), A. Scholz (University of St. Andrews), M. Sitek (Warsaw University Observatory), D. Steeghs (University of Warwick), L. Tomasella (Padova Observatory), M. Turatto (Padova Observatory), K. Ulaczyk (Warsaw University Observatory), F. van Leeuwen (University of Cambridge), T. Prusti (ESA)
on 19 Oct 2014; 14:48 UT
Credential Certification: Morgan Fraser (
Subjects: Optical, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable, Star, Transient, Variables
Referred to by ATel #: 6626, 6640, 6641, 6646, 6750, 7378, 7448, 7530, 7628, 8992, 9220, 9226, 9230, 9256, 9279, 9421, 9580, 9585, 9610, 9888, 9985, 9990, 10009, 10029, 10116, 10192, 10293, 10389, 10403, 10417, 10901, 11049, 12948
We report spectroscopic confirmation and classifications for reported Gaia Photometric Science Alerts ( All spectra were taken at the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma, over the nights of 13-15 October 2014. Low to intermediate resolution spectra were taken using ISIS+R300B/R158R and ACAM+V400, and reduced and calibrated spectra are available for download (
Name RA Dec Instrument Date of spectrum Classification / Comments
GAIA14AAE 242.89156 63.14217 ACAM 2014-10-13.9 GALEX 2679054677788594106. Double peaked He emission lines at z=0, no H, AM CVn, aka ASASSN-14cn
GAIA14AAF 244.25381 62.00685 ACAM 2014-10-13.9/15.8 Narrow Balmer emission with double peaked line profiles at z=0. CV.
GAIA14AAI 23.88339 -20.40796 ACAM 2014-10-14.0 M star
GAIA14AAT 52.76852 17.42784 ACAM 2014-10-14.0 Narrow Balmer emission at z=0, known CV (CSS081107:033104+172540, also see ATel #6581).
GAIA14AAU 237.94493 16.62637 ACAM 2014-10-13.8 M star
GAIA14ABG 262.69947 50.00445 ACAM 2014-10-13.9 Blue, Balmer absorption at z=0. Probable CV.
GAIA14ABQ 58.59016 -11.31998 ISIS 2014-10-15.2/16.0 M-star
GAIA14ABR 59.38013 -9.65999 ACAM 2014-10-15.2 M-star
GAIA14ABY 55.51929 -22.17277 ISIS 2014-10-15.1 Galaxy, no transient on acquisition image.
We acknowledge ESA Gaia (, and the DPAC Photometric Science Alerts Team (
Gaia Science Alerts