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ATLAS discoveries of optical transients

ATel #9685; J. Tonry, L. Denneau, B. Stalder, A. Heinze, A. Sherstyuk (IfA, University of Hawaii), A. Rest (STScI), K. W. Smith, S. J. Smartt (Queen's University Belfast)
on 28 Oct 2016; 15:56 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Ken Smith (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 9695, 9703, 9933

We report the following transients found by the ATLAS survey (see Tonry et al. ATel #8680). ATLAS is a twin 0.5m telescope system on Haleakala and Mauna Loa. The first unit is operational on Haleakala is robotically surveying the sky. Two filters are used, cyan and orange (denoted c and o, all mags in AB system), more information is on All transients have been registered with the IAU.

Host galaxy identifications and redshifts are from NED or the Pan-STARRS1 3Pi image stack, and absolute magnitude calculations include an estimate of Milky Way foreground extinction at the filter wavelength.

Name      | ATLAS Name | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000) | Disc. MJD | Disc. Date  | Disc Mag |    z     | Notes 
AT2016hmp | ATLAS16dop | 04:54:13.62 | -20:29:02.3 | 57671.63  | 20161010.63 |  18.96 o |          |   1. 
AT2016hnl | ATLAS16dou | 06:04:59.04 | -33:24:40.0 | 57675.63  | 20161014.63 |  18.13 o | 0.031615 |   2. 
AT2016hdv | ATLAS16dob | 02:10:23.85 | +44:10:36.6 | 57677.49  | 20161016.49 |  17.91 o |          |   3. 
AT2016hlh | ATLAS16dnj | 18:41:13.65 | +43:07:25.6 | 57686.21  | 20161025.21 |  17.96 c |          |   4. 
AT2016hli | ATLAS16dod | 03:43:38.45 | +46:09:32.7 | 57686.44  | 20161025.44 |  18.04 c | 0.016752 |   5. 
AT2016hly | ATLAS16dok | 10:05:19.63 | +50:03:15.8 | 57686.61  | 20161025.61 |  17.79 c | 0.050265 |   6. 
AT2016hno | ATLAS16dox | 06:30:41.63 | -39:20:49.7 | 57687.60  | 20161026.60 |  17.72 c | 0.048450 |   7. 
AT2016hnn | ATLAS16dos | 18:07:34.81 | +10:35:27.8 | 57688.20  | 20161027.20 |  16.27 c |          |   8. 
AT2016hnq | ATLAS16dow | 20:11:13.29 | +01:02:30.5 | 57688.25  | 20161027.25 |  17.64 c |          |   9. 
AT2016hnp | ATLAS16dot | 23:53:05.14 | +06:42:52.2 | 57688.38  | 20161027.38 |  17.46 c |          |  10. 
AT2016hnk | ATLAS16dpc | 02:13:16.63 | -07:39:40.7 | 57688.47  | 20161027.47 |  17.91 c | 0.016268 |  11. 
AT2016hnm | ATLAS16dpe | 03:16:00.87 | +15:53:41.4 | 57688.52  | 20161027.52 |  18.40 c |          |  12. 
AT2016hgw | ATLAS16dpb | 02:57:34.01 | +05:58:41.3 | 57688.53  | 20161027.53 |  17.16 c | 0.022886 |  13. 
AT2016hns | ATLAS16dpv | 21:39:41.05 | +24:24:24.1 | 57689.30  | 20161028.30 |  17.78 c | 0.037000 |  14. 

1. NED reports that the likely host (11.1" away) is 2MASX J04541391-2028520
2. NED reports that the likely host (8.46" away) is 2MASX J06045961-3324449, with spectroscopic z=0.031615, hence mu=35.64, A_o=0.089, M_o=-17.60
3. The object appears coincident with the core of a faint uncatalogued galaxy visible in the PS1 stack.
4. The object appears coincident with the core of a faint uncatalogued galaxy visible in the PS1 stack.
5. NED reports that the likely host (14.46" away) is MCG +08-07-008, with spectroscopic redshift z=0.016752, hence mu=34.16, A_c=1.38, M_c=-17.5
6. NED reports that the likely host (6.12" away) is KUG 1002+502, with spectroscopic redshift z=0.050265, hence mu=36.69, A_c=0.023, M_c=-18.92
7. NED reports that the likely host (4.44" away) is 2MASX J06304129-3920519, with spectroscopic z=0.048450, hence mu=36.59, A_c=0.222, M_c=-19.09
8. A faint, slightly offset source is visible in the PS1 stack.
9. A marginal SNR source is visible in the PS1 stack.
10. NED reports that the likely host (18.54" away) is 2MASX J23530424+0642393
11. NED reports that the likely host (11.28" away) is 6dF J0213162-073951, with spectroscopic redshift z=0.016268, hence mu=34.04, A_c=0.076, M_c=-16.21
12. NED reports that the likely host (9.66" away) is 2MASX J03160020+1553431
13. NED reports that the likely host (6.84" away) is CGCG 415-040, with spectroscopic redshift z=0.022886, hence mu=34.84, A_c=0.523, M_c=-18.20
14. NED reports that the likely host (6.84" away) is KUG 2137+241, with spectroscopic z=0.03700, hence mu=35.90, A_c=0.204, M_c=-18.32