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WHT spectroscopic observations of ATLAS-discovered transients AT2016bev and AT2016bhr

ATel #8900; Thomas Wevers (RU), Kristhell Lopez (SRON, RU), Morgan Fraser (IoA), Peter Jonker (SRON, RU))
on 4 Apr 2016; 06:46 UT
Credential Certification: P.G. Jonker (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 8913

We report on spectroscopic observations of two ATLAS discovered transients. Spectra were obtained on March 26+27, using ACAM+R400V on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope in La Palma, Spain. AT2016BEV was previously classified as a type II SN (ATel #8856); we obtained a higher SNR spectrum and confirm it is a young type IIP SN. The spectrum has a clear deficit of flux in the blue, indicating it is significantly reddened along the line of sight (it is located ~3 degrees from the Galactic plane). The spectrum also displays strong narrow NaD absorption lines consistent with a large extinction. AT2016BHR (ATel #8857) is a type Ia SN close to the core of its host galaxy.

Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Type | z | Notes 
AT2016BEV | 07:47:50.21 | -18:44:12.80 | SN IIP | 0.011 | Heavily  
AT2016BHR | 14:25:20.57 | +32:28:55.90 | SN Ia | 0.013 | aka PS16bho