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The Optical Counterpart to XTE J1817-330.

ATel #733; M. A. P. Torres (CfA), D. Steeghs (CfA), P. G. Jonker (SRON/CfA), K. Luhman (Pennsylvania State Univ.), J. E. McClintock (CfA), M. R. Garcia (CfA)
on 11 Feb 2006; 01:57 UT
Credential Certification: Manuel Torres (

Subjects: Request for Observations, Binary, Black Hole, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 740, 742, 749

We report the counterpart to the X-ray transient and black hole candidate XTE J1817-330 (ATEL #714).

Our observations consist of a series of 5s and 10s g'-band images obtained with the 6.5m Magellan Clay telescope during 2006 Feb 10 09:23-09:42 UT using the multi-object imaging spectrograph LDSS-3. The frames were acquired with an image quality of 1.2 arcsec and a projected pixel scale of 0.188 arcsec/pixel. The images were calibrated using the Landolt and u'g'i'r' standard star G 162-62 that was observed at similar airmass as XTE J1817-330.

Comparison of our images with the Digitized Sky Survey and 2MASS shows a new single point-like source consistent with the position reported for the radio and near-infrared counterparts (ATEL #721, #724). We measure a mean magnitude for the optical counterpart of g'= 14.93 +/- 0.05 from preliminary photometry.

The optical apparent magnitude is comparable to the K-band magnitude reported in ATEL #724 and supports a low reddening towards the source. The large outburst amplitude in the optical band (the source is not detected in POSS plates) suggests a short orbital period system (see e.g. Shahbaz & Kuulkers,1998,MNRAS,295,L1).

Follow-up observations at all wavelengths, in particular UV, are encouraged. A finding chart for the candidate may be found at: http:/

Finding chart.