Swift-UVOT detection of XTEJ1817-330 in the UV
ATel #740; D. Steeghs, M. A.P. Torres (CfA), J. Miller (UMich), P. G.Jonker (SRON/CfA)
on 19 Feb 2006; 21:14 UT
Credential Certification: Danny Steeghs (dsteeghs@cfa.harvard.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 742
The SWIFT Observatory performed a TOO observation of the active transient XTE J1817-330 (ATel #714) on Feb 18th 2006, covering 04:50-05:10UT. The Ultra-Violet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) collected a series of 160-190s exposures of the field surrounding the transient using its six broad-band filters.
Processed UVOT images reveal a well detected point source at the reported position of the transient (ATel #721,#724,#733) in all filters. The transient is particularly evident in the UV filters. After extracting the source counts, we used the latest UVOT calibration files and derived the following magnitudes and fluxes in the UVOT pass-bands;
FILTER WAVELENGTH (A) MAG (Vega) FLUX (erg/s/cm^2/A)
UW2 1800 14.88(3) 8.65e-15
UM2 2200 14.91(3) 6.16e-15
UW1 2500 14.58(3) 6.18e-15
U 3500 14.38(8) 5.93e-15
B 4400 16.1(2) 2.26e-15
V 5300 15.39(5) 2.22e-15
Given the sensitivity of the UV flux to interstellar extinction, these fluxes clearly demonstrate the low hydrogen column along the line of sight towards XTE J1817-330. Comparing the above fluxes with hot black-body models suggests a hydrogen column around 2-5 10^21. The ultra-violet constraints permitted thanks to such a modest column will greatly enhance ongoing efforts targeting this bright transient at X-ray wavelengths.
We thank the SWIFT team for their cooperation and encourage observations of this source at all wave-bands.