HiTS additional supernova candidates
ATel #7289; F. Forster (CMM, MAS), J. C. Maureira (CMM), S. Points (CTIO), G. Medina (DAS), R. Munoz (PUC), J. San Martin (CMM), M. Hamuy (MAS, DAS), P. Estevez (MAS, DIE), R. C. Smith (CTIO), K. Vivas (CTIO), S. Flores (CMM), P. Huijse (MAS, DIE), G. Cabrera (CMM, AURA), J. Anderson (ESO), F. Bufano (MAS), S. Gonzalez-Gaitan (MAS, DAS), L. Galbany (MAS, DAS), G. Pignata (MAS, UNAB), Th. de Jaeger (MAS, DAS), J. Martinez (DAS), R. Munoz (DAS), E. Vera (CMM), C. Perez (MAS, DIE)
on 25 Mar 2015; 19:07 UT
Credential Certification: Francisco Förster (francisco.forster@gmail.com)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
HiTS, the High Cadence Transient Survey (see ATELs #5949, #7099), reports the discovery of additional supernova candidates detected using an image subtraction / classification pipeline developed at the Center for Mathematical Modelling (CMM) in collaboration with the Millennium Institute for Astrophysics (MAS). Observations were performed on the 4m Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo (CTIO) from 2015-02-17 to 2015-03-13. The data analysis was performed using the National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC). Reported magnitudes are based on the difference between our last observations on 2015-03-14 and reference images taken on 2015-02-17. Ages are lower limits based on the difference between our last observation and the first time when the forced photometry on the position of the candidate was larger than three standard deviations.
Name | Nickname | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Mag (g) | age | Finding Chart | Notes
SNHiTS15bn| Matilda | 09:11:43.63 | -02:25:45.46 | 22.5 | >20 days | http://bit.ly/1LUqVrj | (1)
SNHiTS15bo| MariaGracia | 09:10:27.84 | -02:56:14.95 | 23.2* | >23 days | http://bit.ly/19ja7Zb | (2*)
SNHiTS15bp| Keka | 09:13:37.72 | 01:15:33.53 | 21.4 | >5 days | http://bit.ly/18VH1PH | (3)
SNHiTS15bq| Almendra | 09:18:38.08 | -01:01:47.21 | 22.5 | >5 days | http://bit.ly/1NdqjZr | (4)
SNHiTS15br| Cynthia | 09:25:27.37 | -04:49:42.37 | 22.1 | >5 days | http://bit.ly/1GRlZNt | (5)
SNHiTS15bs| Rita | 09:23:52.48 | -00:01:20.75 | 19.1 | >5 days | http://bit.ly/18VH9hX | (6)
SNHiTS15bt| Christine | 09:28:22.88 | -00:02:47.05 | 21.1 | >5 days | http://bit.ly/1CN4gHV | (7)
SNHiTS15bu| Ane | 09:38:11.29 | -04:20:00.49 | 20.9 | >5 days | http://bit.ly/1y3k2bL | (8)
SNHiTS15bv| Javiera | 09:47:09.56 | -06:29:24.12 | 21.9 | >15 days | http://bit.ly/1xfo7yy | (9)
SNHiTS15bw| Gladys | 09:49:07.73 | -05:49:35.26 | 22.3 | >15 days | http://bit.ly/18VHxx0 | (10)
SNHiTS15bx| Valeria | 10:02:00.88 | -02:18:09.29 | 21.4 | >5 days | http://bit.ly/18VHAch | (11)
SNHiTS15by| Tanit | 10:00:01.05 | -05:23:34.00 | 19.6 | >5 days | http://bit.ly/1N61tfR | (12)
SNHiTS15bz| MariaClaudia | 10:00:01.91 | 01:57:03.15 | 22.3 | >15 days | http://bit.ly/1N61vUP | (13)
1. Near SDSS J091143.68-022546.7, with photo-z of 0.31 +- 0.03
2*. Object present, but dimmer than the reference (maximum difference reported). Near SDSS J091027.85-025616.9, with photo-z of 0.22 +- 0.08
3. No nearby objects in SDSS
4. Near SDSS J091837.88-010147.3, with photo-z of 0.44 +- 0.05
5. Outside SDSS footprint
6. Near SDSS J092352.34-000120.8, with z of 0.070
7. Near SDSS J092822.90-000248.5, with photo-z of 0.21 +- 0.02
8. Outside SDSS footprint
9. Outside SDSS footprint
10. Outside SDSS footprint
11. Near SDSS J100200.87-021809.9, with photo-z of 0.16 +- 0.05
12. Near 2MASX J10000151-0523293, with z of 0.0524
13. Near SDSS J100001.89+015702.9, with photo-z of 0.45 +- 0.13