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Optical spectrosopy of HiTS supernovae

ATel #7335; J. Anderson (ESO), F. Forster (CMM, MAS), C. Smith (CTIO), K. Vivas (CTIO), G. Pignata (UNAB, MAS), F. Olivares (MAS, UNAB), M. Hamuy (DAS, MAS), J. San Martin (CMM), J. C. Maureira (CMM), G. Cabrera (CMM, AURA), S. Gonzalez-Gaitan (MAS, DAS), L. Galbany (MAS, DAS), F. Bufano (MAS, UNAB), T. de Jaeger (MAS, DAS), E. Hsiao (Carnegie Observatories), R. Munoz (DAS), E. Vera (CMM)
on 1 Apr 2015; 17:43 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Joseph Anderson (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

We report optical wavelength spectroscopy obtained using the Goodman instrument mounted on the SOAR at CTIO on UT 2015-03-30, for two supernovae discovered by HiTS, the High Cadence Transient Survey (see ATELs #7289, #7290).

Name      | Nickname | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000)  | Disc UT    | Disc mag epoch (g) | Type | redshift |Notes
SNHiTS15bu| Ane | 09:38:11.29 | -04:20:00.49 | 2015-03-14 | 20.9 | Ia | 0.21 | (1) SNHiTS15cf| Nines | 10:19:35.59 | -06:58:44.44 | 2015-03-13 | 19.4 | Ia | 0.065 | (2)

(1) Good matches with SNe Ia around maximum light
(2) Good matches with SNe Ia a few days post maximum light