Constraining the outburst time of PNV J00432372+4122256
ATel #6463; R. Sturm, W. Pietsch, J. Greiner (MPE, Germany)
on 12 Sep 2014; 13:04 UT
Credential Certification: Richard Sturm (
Subjects: Ultra-Violet, Nova
Referred to by ATel #: 6498
We confirm the discovery of the apparent novae PNV J00432372+4122256 in the Andromeda Galaxy (M 31)
reported by Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima in an IAU CBAT
with the first detection on 2014 Sep 08.610 (18.2 mag, unfiltered), rising to 16.1 mag until Sep. 11.5 and a previous non-detection on Jul 28.786 (>19.2 mag).
This source is detected as a UV transient in monitoring observations of the central region of M 31
with the Ultra-Violet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) on board the Swift satellite
at RA=00:43:23.73 and Dec=41:22:25.6 with an uncertainty of 0.1".
The detection of UV emission strengthens the nova classification of the transient.
Light curve information for filter uvw1 (central wavelength: 260 nm) is given in the table below (Vega system, 1σ statistical uncertainty or 3σ upper limit, respectively).
All magnitudes are on the UVOT photometric system (Poole et al. 2008, MNRAS, 383, 627) and have not been corrected for extinction.
The non-detection with Swift/UVOT allows us to constrain the outburst time in the UV to be later that Sep 07.052, which is only 1.6 days before the first optical detection.
ObsID[exp] Date Exp uvw1
(UT) [s] [mag]
00032702075[1] 2014 Sep 07.052 1556 >20.5
00032702076[1] 2014 Sep 11.192 824 18.41±0.16
We would like to thank the Swift Team for making these observations possible, in particular N. Gehrels, the duty scientists, as well as the science planners.