Confirmation of PSN J09582892-1053122 as a SNIa
ATel #4177; E. Saunders (University of Iowa), D. Coffin (University of Iowa), J. Brimacombe, and M. L. Graham (UC Santa Barbara)
on 15 Jun 2012; 19:02 UT
Credential Certification: Melissa Lynn Graham (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
E. Sanders and D. Coffin report the discovery of an apparent supernova on 180 second, unfiltered CCD image taken with the 0.37m f14 Rigel telescope, at the Iowa Robotic Observatory (IRO) near Sonoita, Arizona, on June 7.15 UT (at mag 16.31). The new object, dubbed PSN J09582892-1053122, is located at R.A. = 09h58m28s.906, Decl. = -10o53'12".43 (equinox 2000.0) which is 3".51 west and 0".87 north of the nucleus of CRTS J095829.14-105313.3 located at R.A. = 09h58m29s.140, Decl. = -10o53'13".30 (equinox 2000.0). An unfiltered Rigel image taken on May 8.15 UT showed nothing at this position (limiting mag ~19). This galaxy was host to previous SN 2011R, discovered on Jan. 14. The apparent time interval (ATI) between the two detections is 1.4 yrs. J. Brimacombe confirms this transient position and magnitude in an image taken on June 13 UT in New Mexico. M.L. Graham reports that a 1000 second exposure with the Kast Double Spectrograph on the 3m Shane Telescope at Lick Observatory on UTC June 13 2012 shows this transient to be a Type Ia Supernova at z~0.02 (consistent with host redshift) at a phase of ~7 days past maximum brightness. Classification was performed with the spectrum template matching code Superfit (Howell et al. 2002).
This new type Ia multiple supernovae (MSNe) is setting rapidly. Anyone capable of obtaining multi-band photometry, please do so.