The post-flare quiet state of Cygnus X-3
ATel #3389; S. A. Trushkin, N. A. Nizhelskij, G. V. Zhekanis (SAO RAS, Russia)
on 30 May 2011; 08:26 UT
Credential Certification: Sergei Trushkin (
Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star
Now after the giant radio flare with maximum of almost 20 Jy during the hyper-soft X-ray state of the microquasar Cygnus X-3 in March 2011 (ATEL#3233, #3259) it is in a quiet state. With the RATAN-600 radio telescope we daily detected fluxes of Cygnus X-3 varying within 100-200 mJy at 4.8-21.7 GHz in May 2011. Generally daily spectra are rather inverted ones, i.e. there are the higher fluxes at the higher frequencies. Thus while enhanced gamma-ray emission was probably detected from Cygnus X-3 by Piano et al. with AGILE (ATEL #3386) centimeter wavelength emission became at an ordinary quiet level.
The multi-frequency light curves of Cyg X-3 during March-May 2011 measured with RATAN-600