MASTER serendipitous observations of the gamma-ray flaring BL Lac CGRaBS J0211+1051
ATel #3131; I. Kudelina (Blagoveshchensk Educational University), E. Gorbovskoy, P, Balanutsa, V. Lipunov,,V. Kornilov, A. Belinski, N. Shatskiy, N. Tyurina, D. Kuvshinov, V. Chazov, A. Kuznetsov, D. Zimnukhov, M. Kornilov (SAI, Moscow), A. Tlatov, A. V. Parhomenko, D. Dormidontov (Kislovodsk solar station of the Pulkovo observatory RAS), V. Yurkov, Yu. Sergienko, D. Varda (Blagoveshchensk Educational University), V. Krushinski, I. Zalozhnih, A. Popov (Ural State University), K. Ivanov, S. Yazev, N. Budnev, E. Konstantinov, O. Chuvalaev, V. Poleschuk, O. Gres,(Irkutsk State University) , V. Shumkov, S. Shurpakov (MASTER memeber team)
on 28 Jan 2011; 18:30 UT
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Credential Certification: Vladimir Lipunov (
Subjects: Optical, Blazar
Referred to by ATel #: 3133
Following the gamma-ray flare of the BL Lac object CGRaBS J0211+1051 (also known as MG1 J021114+1051, and 1FGL J0211.2+1049, Abdo et al. 2010, ApJS, 188, 405) detected by Fermi LAT on 2011 January 23 (ATel #3120), we try to find images of the BL Lac in our DATA BASE.
We find 16 serendipitous optical unfiltered observations by MASTER-Net sites from 03 feb 2004 to 26 Jan 2011. In all cases we use the same Apogee CCD on the wide field telescopes.
3 comparison stars were taken from the UsnoB1.0 catalogue to define the source magnitude. Our unfiltered magnitude is calibrated relative to USNOB1.0 as 0.8R+0.2B .
The results of the photometry are:
Date and Time | Exposition | Magnitude | Error | Site
2004-02-03 15:20:10 | 90 | 14.45 | 0.04 | Domodedovo-Moscow
2004-02-03 15:53:53 | 90 | 14.43 | 0.04 | Domodedovo-Moscow
2004-02-03 17:26:46 | 90 | 14.21 | 0.04 | Domodedovo-Moscow
2005-10-06 01:23:15 | 135 | 15.48 | 0.04 | Domodedovo-Moscow
2005-10-06 01:58:25 | 135 | 15.43 | 0.05 | Domodedovo-Moscow
2009-12-24 11:39:56 | 60 | 14.34 | 0.05 | Amur-Blagoveschensk
2010-01-09 10:57:48 | 60 | 14.29 | 0.05 | Amur-Blagoveschensk
2010-01-09 11:43:27 | 60 | 14.35 | 0.05 | Amur-Blagoveschensk
2010-02-03 09:54:26 | 60 | 13.64 | 0.05 | Amur-Blagoveschensk
2010-02-03 10:39:59 | 60 | 13.74 | 0.05 | Amur-Blagoveschensk
2010-10-02 19:55:30 | 180 | 13.81 | 0.03 | Tunka-Baykal
2010-10-02 20:51:08 | 180 | 13.85 | 0.03 | Tunka-Baykal
2010-11-01 21:52:53 | 180 | 13.47 | 0.03 | Kislovodsk-Caucasus
2010-11-01 22:42:48 | 180 | 13.45 | 0.03 | Kislovodsk-Caucasus
2011-01-24 15:35:48 | 180 | 13.28 | 0.03 | Kislovodsk-Caucasus
2011-01-24 16:19:51 | 180 | 13.27 | 0.03 | Kislovodsk-Caucasus
We see:
1). The object is variable on timescale about several month and years with amplitude ~2m.
2). There is no dramatic brightening (flare) during last 2.5 month.
3). There is some brightening (~0.15 m) from 1 November 2010 to 24 January 2011
4). There is essential (0.4m) brightening during October 2010
5)Thre is slow trend from January 2010 ~ 1m.
6). The Swift Uvot data (D'Ammando, Sokolovsky and Hoversten, ATel #3129)are not contradict to our observations.
The LC is available at
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