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Cyg X-3 is flaring in radio

ATel #3130; Taro Kotani (AGU), Atsushi Miyazaki (NAO), Masato Tsuboi (JAXA), Wataru Endo (U. of Tokyo), Kenta Fujisawa (Yamaguchi U.), Nobuyuki Kawai (Tokyo Tech), Nario Kuno (NRO), Kouichiro Nakanishi (NAO), Kazutaka Yamaoka (AGU), Yoshinori Yonekura (Ibaraki U.)
on 28 Jan 2011; 16:57 UT
Credential Certification: T. Kotani (

Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, X-ray, >GeV, Binary

Referred to by ATel #: 3135, 3139, 3141

We report on the detection of a radio flare from Cyg X-3. The source has been monitored since 2011/01/19 (UT) (MJD=55580) with Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45-m Telescope at 43 GHz, 86 GHz, and 98 GHz. After a week of static activity fainter than 0.2 Jy, the flux densities exceed 0.2 Jy at the three frequencies on 2011/01/27 (MJD=55588). On 2011/01/28 (MJD=55589), the 43-GHz flux density reaches 0.4 Jy and the densities at 86 GHz and 98 GHz exceed 1 Jy. The fluxes are still increasing and varying with time scales shorter than 1 hr. See :8000/rj/32 for update. Cyg X-3 is known to exhibit successive giant radio flares after a certain period of static radio activity and soft-high X-ray state (Szostek, A., Zdziarski, A. A., McCollough, M. L. 2008, MNRAS 388, 1001). See the MAXI data for the current soft-high X-ray activity. This flare might be the beginning of such a series of giant radio flares. Observations at all wavelengths are encouraged.