No Radio Flaring Detected from Cygnus X-3 at 3 GHz by Allen Telescope Array
ATel #3135; P. K. G. Williams, G. C. Bower (Dept. of Astronomy, UC Berkeley), J. A. Tomsick, A. Bodaghee (SSL, UC Berkeley), R. H. D. Corbet (UMBC/NASA GSFC)
on 31 Jan 2011; 00:39 UT
Credential Certification: Arash Bodaghee (
Subjects: Radio, X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star
Following the announcement of a 98 GHz flare from the microquasar Cygnus X-3 (ATel #3130), we observed it with the Allen Telescope Array (Welch
et al., 2009 Proc. IEEE 97 1438 for 2.5 hours beginning at 2011 January 28.848 UT (MJD 55589.848), about 4.0 hours after the 98 GHz observations concluded. The observing frequency was 3.1 GHz and the bandwidth was 200 MHz. We detected a steady radio flux density of 75±3 mJy. Analysis of the data in 10-minute segments revealed no significant time evolution of the radio emission during our observations. A lightcurve is available at this URL.
Previous work modeling radio flares from Cyg X-3 (Miller-Jones et al., 2009 MNRAS 394 309) has indicated that flares that peak at higher frequencies tend to evolve quickly and be fainter overall. We suggest that the flare of ATel #3130 had concluded by the time of our observations.
The ATA 3.1 GHz lightcurve.