D. Altamirano (Amsterdam), J. Homan (MIT), M. Linares (MIT), A. Patruno (Amsterdam), Y. Yang (Amsterdam), A. Watts (Amsterdam), M. Kalamkar (Amsterdam), P. Casella (Southampton), M. Armas-Padilla (Amsterdam), Y. Cavecchi (Amsterdam), N. Degenaar (Amsterdam), D. Russell (Amsterdam), R. Kaur (Amsterdam), M. van der Klis (Amsterdam), N. Rea (CSIC-IEEC), R. Wijnands (Amsterdam)
ATel #2952; The transient neutron star LMXB in the globular cluster Terzan 5 has turned into a Z-source
on 18 Oct 2010; 21:42 UT
Credential Certification: Diego Altamirano (diego@science.uva.nl)
Subjects: X-ray, Globular Cluster, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar
We report on the recent RXTE pointed observations of the the ongoing
outburst of the neutron star (NS) transient source in the globular
cluster Terzan 5 (Atel #2919, #2920, #2922, #2924, #2929, #2932,
#2933, #2937, #2939, #2940, #2946).
Papitto et al. (Atel #
2939) reported the occurrence of type I X-ray
bursts; their recurrence time decreased from ~1000s to ~700 since the
first RXTE observation. In following RXTE observations the 2-16 keV
increased further and the X-ray burst recurrence time decreased until
October 16th, 2010 (MJD 55485.7, 2-16 keV flux of ~0.55 Crab), when we
detected one burst every 315-400 seconds.
In following RXTE observations on October 17th and 18th, 2010, the 6-16
keV spectrum of this transient became softer and its intensity started
to show large flux variations between 0.45 and 0.75 Crab. A
preliminary analysis reveals no evidence of X-ray bursts during this
period. From a preliminary spectral fit to the average PCU2 spectrum
we estimate a 2-50 keV unabsorbed flux of ~2.2e-8 erg/cm2/s, which
corresponds to a luminosity of 2e38 erg/s at 8.7 kpc (Cohn et al 2002;
ApJ 571, 818).
In the October 18th observation (ObsID: 95437-01-06-00) we detected
for the first time high-frequency (>10 Hz) quasi-periodic oscillations
(QPOs) on top of broad-band noise. These QPOs have frequency of ~48 Hz
and ~173 Hz and rms amplitudes of ~2.7 and ~1.4, respectively
(2-60 keV). We also found a 3.8\sigma (single trial) kHz QPO at ~815
Hz (10-50 keV).
The power and energy spectral changes observed in the last days
suggest that the source was in an Atoll phase until October 16-17th,
during the period when X-ray burst occurred regularly, but now has
transited to a Z-source. Particularly, the color-color and
hardness-intensity diagrams suggest a Cyg-like Z source behavior;
where we observe what it looks like the horizontal, the normal and the
dipping-flaring branches (see for a review: van der Klis 2006,
"Compact stellar X-ray sources", astro-ph/0410551). The QPOs only
appear in the horizontal branch.
This is the second source in the last 15 years to fully show Atoll and
Z-source characteristics (XTE J1701-462, see, e.g. Homan et al. 2010,
ApJ, 719, 201), however, unlike XTE J1701-462, this shows strong
coherent pulsations (Atel #
Observations at other wavelengths are strongly encouraged.