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First SN in the PanSTARRS 3Pi Faint galaxy supernova survey

ATel #2668; Stefano Valenti
on 11 Jun 2010; 13:54 UT
Credential Certification: Stephen Smartt (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 3918, 3925, 3980, 4037, 4108, 4231, 4516, 4665, 5330, 5443, 5842, 5934, 5937, 5938, 5957, 5961, 5968, 5970

S. Valenti, S. Smartt, L. Magill, D. Young, P. R. Dunstall, R. Kotak, K. Smith (Queens University), F. Bresolin, R. Kudritzki, J. Tonry, P. A. Price, E. Magnier, K. Chambers, N. Kaiser, J. Morgan, W. Burgett, J. Heasley, W. Sweeney, C. Waters, H. Flewelling (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii). report the discovery of a spectroscopically-confirmed Supernova in the Pan-STARRS 1 "3Pi Faint galaxy supernova survey". During the course of the PS1 3Pi sky survey, PS1-000253 was detected on May. 11.5 (UT) (Coords: 15:53:19.73 +10:18:28.0, J2000) at r=19.1 and detected again on May 12.5 (UT) at g=19.25 within 0.5 arcsec of the faint SDSS galaxy (J155319.70+101827.7). A spectrum of PS1-000253 was obtained at the William Herschel Telescope (+ISIS; range 320-1000nm) on June 10.1 (UT). Cross-correlation of the observed spectra with a library of supernova spectra with the "GELATO" code (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A.Ap. 488, 383, available at Shows it to be similar to that of the type II SN 2008aw (CBET 1282) at 33 days past maximum. The emission component of H-alpha is much stronger than the absorption component, indicating that it may be a type-IIL supernova. The SN was detected again in r band on June 11.48 (UT) at r=19.9. Using the redshift of z= 0.056 , measured from the Balmer narrow lines of the host galaxy, a distance modulus of 36.92 and the observed r magnitude (19.1) at the discovery (May 11.5) SN PS1-000253 has an absolute magnitude at discovery of -17.8. The host galaxy has an absolute magnitude of -14.8, and is likely a low-metallicity dwarf galaxy. This discovery was enabled using the PS1 System operated by the PS1 Science Consortium (PS1SC) and its member institutions, We would like to thank the PS1 telescope operators for their support of PS1 observations.