Discovery of a Luminous Supernova, PTF10cwr
ATel #2492; R. M. Quimby, S. R. Kulkarni, E. Ofek, M. M. Kasliwal, D. levitan (Caltech), A. Gal-Yam (Weizmann Institute), S. B. Cenko (Berkeley) on behalf of the PTF Collaboration
on 20 Mar 2010; 02:40 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Robert Quimby (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report the independent discovery of an optical transient, PTF10cwr
(a.k.a. CSS100313:112547-084941; Mahabal et al. ATel #2490), in R-band
images obtained with the 1.2-m Oschin telescope at Palomar Observatory
in the course of the Palomar
Transient Factory survey (Law et al.,
2009; Rau et al.,
2009). The transient is located at RA = 11:25:46.67, DEC =
-08:49:41.2 (J2000). On March 13.25 UT, the object was twice detected
at about 18.8 mag. No object was seen at this location on March 4.27
UT to a limit of 20.4 mag. We additionally detected PTF10cwr on March 5,
12, and 16 UT.
Spectra (320-1000 nm) obtained with the 5.1-m Palomar telescope
(+DBSP) on March 18.27 UT show that PTF10cwr is a luminous supernova
similar to SN 2005ap (Quimby et
al. 2007). We detect narrow Mg II absorption, and narrow emission
lines from OII, OIII, and H-alpha (all presumably from the host), from
which we derive a redshift of z=0.23. We do not confirm the redshift
reported by Mahabal et al. (ATel #2490). In addition to the blue
continuum, we detect broad features consistent with the OII multiplet
(see arXiv:0910.0059).
We requested Swift UVOT observations, which were carried out between
March 19.13 and March 19.27 UT. PTF10cwr is well detected:
MJD Filter Mag Mag_err
55274.23 UVW1 17.70 0.04
55274.21 UVM2 18.29 0.05
Additional observations are underway. We thank the Swift team for
promptly scheduling the ToO observations.