Detection of PTF10cwr/CSS100313 on PS1 sky survey images and host galaxy identification
ATel #2504; A. Pastorello, S. J. Smartt, D. Young (Queen's University Belfast) E. Kankare (QUB/NOT), K. Smith, M. T. Botticella, S. Mattila, R. Kotak, S. Valenti (QUB), N. Metcalfe (Durham University), W. E. Sweeney, P. A. Price, E. Magnier, J. Tonry, F. Bresolin, R. P. Kudritzki, K. Chambers (University of Hawaii), C. Stubbs, A. Rest, G. Narayan (Harvard), A. Riess, M. Huber (JHU), W. M. Wood-Vasey (Pittsburgh).
on 24 Mar 2010; 11:40 UT
Credential Certification: Stephen Smartt (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
Referred to by ATel #: 2508
We report that the transient PTF10cwr (Quimby et al. ATEL #2492),
a.k.a. CSS100313:112547-084941 (Mahabal et al. ATel #2490), was also
recovered on images from the Pan-STARRS Telescope #1 (PS1)
as part of the PS1 3Pi survey (PS1-1000037). Magnitudes of i=18.96 and
r=18.65 where measured with respect to SDSS sequence stars on March
12.45 and 13.49 UT respectively. Further photometry was gathered at the Liverpool
Telescope on March 20.92 and March 23.00 UT.
A spectrum taken at the Nordic Optical Telescope on March 21.20 UT
shows the broad absorption features identified by Quimby et al. as OII
and a blue continuum. We favour the redshift of z=0.23 reported
by Quimby et al. (ATEL #2492), rather than that of Mahabal et al
(ATel #2490) of z=0.17. The galaxy emission lines at [OII] 3727,
[OIII] 4959/5006 and H-alpha are faint and marginally detected. Taking into
account a Galactic extinction of E(B-V) = 0.04 mag, this implies a
rest frame absolute magnitude of M_u ~ -22.0 and M_g ~ -21.9 (from the
LT g- and r-band magnitudes). A rise of ~ 0.2 mags, in 9 days
indicates that the transient has not yet reached maximum, its rise
time may be significant, and it could peak at r~16 mag if it behaves
like SCP 06F6 (Barbary et al. 2009 ApJ 690 1358)
There is a faint host galaxy detection in the SDSS images (SDSS
J112546.72-084942.0) at g=22.7 and g-r=0.3. It is not detected in the
other bands. This suggests a dwarf galaxy host at rest frame g-band
absolute magnitude of ~ -18, similar to the LMC. A deep spectrum from
Gemini should confirm the narrow emission lines and provide a
measurement of host galaxy metallicity.
The PS1 3Pi survey also observed the position of 2010ay (Drake et al. ;
Filippenko et al. ; Prieto et al. CBET 2244) on several epochs before
discovery, the latest being Feb 25. No obvious transient is observed, setting
limits on any optical afterglow and SN explosion epoch.
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