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Discovery of the Spin Period of SGR 1833-0832

ATel #2493; Ersin Gogus (Sabanci Univ), Tod Strohmayer (NASA/GSFC), Chryssa Kouveliotou (NASA/MSFC), Peter Woods (Dynetics), report on behalf of a larger team
on 20 Mar 2010; 17:08 UT
Credential Certification: Ersin Gogus (

Subjects: X-ray, Soft Gamma-ray Repeater, Pulsar

Referred to by ATel #: 2509, 2515, 2550

Following the Swift detection of a burst from the new Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1833-0832 (Gelbord, J. et al. 2010, GCN #10526) we triggered our SGR ToO Program with RXTE. A 1.3 ks RXTE observation started on 2010 March 19, 21:49:52UT. We detect coherent pulsations from the new SGR in the 2-20 keV PCA data at 0.1321 Hz, corresponding to a spin period of 7.57 sec. We then performed timing analysis on 22.5 ks Swift/XRT data in PC mode and confirmed the period detection as 7.5654(1) s. We note that there is no previously known X-ray source in the RXTE field of view with such periodicity. The detected coherent pulsations likely indicate the spin period of the newly discovered, burst-active SGR.

We thank the RXTE planner, Divya Pereira for the prompt scheduling of the RXTE observations and Scott Barthelmy, Jonathan Gelbord and Neil Gehrels from the Swift team for valuable and prompt information exchange on this new source.