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Recent light maximum of BQ Cam

ATel #2381; V. P. Goranskij (SAI, Moscow University), E. A. Barsukova, A. F. Valeev (Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia)
on 11 Jan 2010; 19:19 UT
Credential Certification: Vitaly Goranskij (

Subjects: Optical, Binary, Neutron Star, Star, Transient, Variables, Pulsar

Referred to by ATel #: 7682, 7685, 9618

BQ Cam is a binary system consisting of a variable Be type star and a neutron star. It is an optical counterpart of the transient X-ray pulsar V0332+53. The star varies in the ranges between 15.2 and 15.9 mag in the V band, and X-ray outbursts are associated with the maxima of optical brightness. The exclusion was the previous X-ray outburst occurred in 2008 October (MJD 54756) (ATEL#1792) when the brightness was rising to the recent optical maximum at the level of V=15.35, not in the light maximum. The renewed X-ray activity of V0332+53 reported in ATEL#2319 and ATEL#2369 occurs at the recent maximum of optical brightness. Current optical brightening of BQ Cam started in 2007 September (MJD~54360) from the light level of 15.50 mag V. We measured the maximum brightness of 15.20 V on 2009 October 25 (MJD 55130). X-ray activity began a month after the light maximum what is a typical delay for X-ray outbursts. In the last pointing at BQ Cam with 60-cm telescope of SAI Crimean station and Apogee-47p CCD on 2009 December 21.39 UT (MJD 55187), we have the following BVRc magnitudes: 16.98, 15.25, and 13.86.

On 2009 October 25.05 UT, we obtained an optical spectrum of BQ Cam at the maximum light using the Russian 6 m telescope with the SCORPIO spectral camera. The spectral range was 386 - 839 nm, the resolution FWHM was 1.33 nm, and S/N~100. H-alpha emission had equivalent width of 0.70 nm, and was not resolved. The shallow blue absorption component in H-alpha shifted by ~1600 km/s (ATEL#1803) was present. H-beta line was saturated with emission, H-gamma and H-delta were seen in absorption. Faint He I emission lines at 587.6 and 706.5 nm were seen. Numerous absorptions were identified as interstellar features, the strongest were DIBs at 443.0, 570.5, 577.9, and 628.4 nm. The interstellar line Na I D2,D1 was also strong.

Java generated UBVRI light and color curves