Continued optical and radio activity in AT2019wey
ATel #15816; Walt Cooney, James C. A. Miller-Jones, Bill Flanagan, Bill Pellerin, Don Selle, Thomas J. Maccarone, Aarran W. Shaw, Gregory R. Sivakoff, on behalf of and the JWST Timing Consortium and the JACPOT XRB collaboration
on 19 Dec 2022; 14:39 UT
Credential Certification: Tom Maccarone (
Subjects: Radio, Optical, Binary, Black Hole, Transient
We report confirmation of the continuing long wavelength emission from the outburst of the candidate black hole X-ray binary AT2019wey located at 04:35:23.280 +55:22:34.25. BVi' photometry on the night of December 15/16, 2022 result in the following untransformed magnitudes:
JD Mag
2459929.634256 V=17.51 (.02)
2459929.691172 V=17.53 (.01)
2459929.655013 V=17.52 (.01)
2459929.714204 V=17.54 (.01)
2459929.702596 B=17.47 (.02)
2459929.725613 B=17.43 (.02)
2459929.645572 i'=16.98 (.02)
2459929.665683 i'=17.01 (.02)
Photometry was carried out with the 0.6m f/8 RCOS Ritchey at Madrona Peak Observatory near Medina, Texas.
We also triggered approved target-of-opportunity radio observations of the source with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). We observed AT2019wey on 2022-12-16, with our on-source time extending between 01:19 UT and 01:24 UT (JD 2459929.557+/- 0.003). The VLA was in its C configuration. Observations were taken in at a central frequency of 7.45 GHz and a 1.024 GHz bandwidth. 3C147 was used for bandpass and flux calibration, while J0358+5606 was used for complex gain calibration. Data were edited and calibrated using the VLA data processing pipeline within the Common Astronomy Software Application (McMullin et al. 2007). Imaging was carried out using standard procedures, with a Briggs robust weighting of 0. We report radio emission from the VLA at 0.68 +/- 0.03 mJy at 7.45 GHz.
We thank the Williams Family Foundation for the use of Madrona Peak Observatory and the VLA schedulers for rapidly facilitating these observations.