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Updated Optical Activity of AT2019wey

ATel #15971; Walt Cooney, Bill Flanagan, Bill Pellerin, Don Selle (AAVSO), Thomas J. Maccarone (Texas Tech)
on 31 Mar 2023; 16:46 UT
Credential Certification: Tom Maccarone (

Subjects: Optical, Binary, Black Hole, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 16197

We report updated and continuing optical photometry of AT2019wey from Madrona Peak Observatory pursuant to ATEL 15816. All data are reduced against an improved comparison star selection and B and V data are transformed. The data are reported to the AAVSO.

JD Magnitude (error)

2459929.634256 V=17.445 (.01)
2459929.655013 V=17.458 (.01)
2459929.691172 V=17.451 (.01)
2459929.714204 V=17.467 (.01)
2459942.653378 V=17.296 (.01)
2459945.750840 V=17.406 (.01)
2459948.751736 V=17.338 (.01)
2459967.714383 V=17.350 (.01)
2459979.703958 V=17.340 (.01)
2459981.630318 V=17.304 (.02)
2459985.721277 V=17.269 (.01)
2459986.758293 V=17.312 (.01)
2460003.627014 V=17.256 (.01)
2460007.623453 V=17.309 (.01)
2460008.615941 V=17.358 (.01)

2459929.702596 B=18.179 (.02)
2459929.725613 B=18.128 (.01)
2459942.664941 B=18.025 (.02)
2459945.762388 B=18.094 (.02)
2459948.763263 B=18.029 (.03)
2459967.726136 B=18.027 (.02)
2459979.715485 B=18.001 (.03)
2459985.732864 B=17.786 (.04)
2459986.769883 B=18.063 (.03)
2460003.638603 B=17.934 (.02)
2460007.635060 B=17.990 (.03)
2460008.627542 B=18.102 (.03)

2459929.645572 i'=16.930 (.01)
2459929.665683 i'=16.957 (.01)

We thank the Williams Family Foundation for the use of Madrona Peak Observatory.