Classification of Gaia Alerted QSO candidates
ATel #15138; T. Pursimo (NOT-LaPalma), M. Dennefeld (IAP-Paris)
on 24 Dec 2021; 14:51 UT
Credential Certification: Michel Dennefeld (
Subjects: Optical, Quasar
Referred to by ATel #: 15272
Variability is a good mean to discover new Quasars, particularly radio-quiet ones.
The Gaia Alerts (Hodgkin et al. 2021, A&A 652, 76) are emitted upon photometric variations and point, under others, also to QSO candidates when the magnitude change is larger than 0.3 mag.
We are following a classification program at the Nordic Optical Telescope in LaPalma with the ALFOSC spectrograph. The grating 4 is used, covering the range 350-960 nm, with a resolution of 300 and
a 1.3 arcsec slit. Some first results are given below:
GaiaName, TNSname, Type, Redshift, Lines seen,
Gaia18dww AT2018kjg NLS1 0.2880 Halpha (1300 km/s FWHM), Hbeta, Hgamma, [OIII], FeII
Gaia19abv AT2019kn QSO 0.4275 Ha (2100 km/s), Hb, [OII]
Gaia20dxw AT2020fhp QSO 0.232 Ha (10650 km/s), Hb, [OIII]
Gaia20efz AT2020taf QSO 0.4682 Hb (2450 km/s), [OIII], Hg, MgII
Gaia21aen AT2020aeve QSO 0.3848 Ha (2000 km/s), Hb, [OIII], [NeIII], [OII], MgII
Gaia16bpi AT2016anj Star 0.0 Ha, Hb (galactic emission line star)