WiFeS follow-up observations of the naked-eye nova associated to MGAB-V207
ATel #13874; A. Carr, K. Said, T. M. Davis (University of Queensland), C. Lidman, B. E. Tucker (Mt Stromlo Observatory, ANU)
on 18 Jul 2020; 02:50 UT
Credential Certification: Brad Tucker (brad@mso.anu.edu.au)
We report on medium-resolution spectroscopy of the nova, discovered by Robert H. McNaught (CBET 4811), associated to MGAB-V207 and classified as a classical nova in ATel #13867 and ATel #13868.
On 2020-07-16.79 UT, we obtained multiple spectra at spectral resolutions of 3000 and 7000 with the WiFeS IFU spectrograph (Dopita et al. 2007, 2010) on the ANU 2.3m telescope. The R=3000 spectra start at 3200 Angstroms and end at 9600 Angstroms. The data were processed with PyWiFeS (Childress et al. 2014).
As noted in ATel #13867 and ATel #13868, the spectrum contains broad, rectangular lines with a width of ~2500 km/s. The Balmer lines of hydrogen appear to have more substructure than other lines. The spectrum resembles the spectrum of Nova Sgr 1991, a He/N nova, observed 3 days after maximum.