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AT2018cow: further follow-up with the HCT

ATel #11766; Shubham Srivastav (IITB), Avinash Singh (IIA), Brajesh Kumar (IIA), Harsh Kumar (IITB), Varun Bhalerao (IITB), G. C. Anupama (IIA), D. K. Sahu (IIA), Avrajit Bandyopadhyay (IIA)
on 22 Jun 2018; 19:13 UT
Credential Certification: Shubham Srivastav (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 11776

As part of our monitoring campaign with the HCT, we report further follow-up spectroscopy of AT2018cow (Smartt et al. ATel #11727). A spectrum was obtained today on June 22.72 UT, covering the wavelength range of 3700-9100A. The broad features in the 4000-5500A region show a slight evolution compared to the HCT spectrum obtained yesterday at June 21.62 UT (Singh et al. ATel #11759). A blackbody model fit to the spectrum yields a temperature of ~10500K, similar to the June 21 spectrum. Further photometric and spectroscopic observations are planned with the HCT. We gratefully acknowledge the observing and support staff at IAO, Hanle and CREST, Hoskote for making the observations possible.