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Palomar 60-inch SEDM classification of optical transients

ATel #11482; Christoffer Fremling, Nadejda Blagorodnova, James D. Neill, Richard Walters, Christopher B. Cannella, Shrinivas R. Kulkarni (Caltech)
on 28 Mar 2018; 05:08 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Christoffer Fremling (

Subjects: Optical, Nova, Star, Supernovae, Transient

We report the classification of the following bright transients. The spectra have been obtained with the Spectral Energy Distribution Machine (SEDM) (range 350-950nm, spectral resolution R~100) mounted on the Palomar 60-inch (P60) telescope (Blagorodnova et. al. 2018).

Survey Name | IAU Name  | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000)  | Discovery date | Discovery mag | Redshift | Class  | Classification Date | Notes  
Gaia18ark   | SN2018akb | 15:47:36.04 | -10:27:38.59 |   2018-03-19   | 18.0 (G-Gaia)   | 0.04   | SN Ia  |   2018-03-27        |  (1) 
Gaia18arl   | AT2018akc | 15:23:02.52 | -17:18:15.26 |   2018-03-19   | 15.1 (G-Gaia)   | -      | M-star |   2018-03-27        |   
Gaia18arv   | AT2018akq | 15:45:51.51 | -16:08:36.10 |   2018-03-21   | 17.7 (G-Gaia)   | ?      | SN?    |   2018-03-27        |  (2) 
ASASSN-18gb | AT2018akx | 10:03:23.22 | -26:10:55.85 |   2018-03-22   | 17.5 (g-Sloan)  | -      | Nova   |   2018-03-27        |  (3) 
ASASSN-18ge | SN2018alc | 14:33:19.93 | +41:16:03.36 |   2018-03-24   | 17.2 (g-Sloan)  | 0.0181 | SN Ib  |   2018-03-27        |  (4) 
ASASSN-18gf | SN2018aly | 15:01:57.33 | +25:46:15.96 |   2018-03-24   | 17.8 (g-Sloan)  | 0.0446 | SN Ia  |   2018-03-27        |  (5) 
-           | SN2018amb | 09:14:55.30 | +46:54:09.00 |   2018-03-25   | 18.0 (Clear-)   | 0.0142 | SN II  |   2018-03-27        |  (6) 
ASASSN-18gg | SN2018amc | 10:58:00.78 | +72:26:26.56 |   2018-03-23   | 17.1 (g-Sloan)  | 0.01?  | SN II  |   2018-03-27        |  (7) 

Notes: (1) Best fit to SN1997bp at peak. Redshift derived from the broad SN features. Previously classified by ePESSTO; ATel #11480. (2) Blue spectrum. Low SNID rlaps, matches to both SNe I and SNe II. (3) Narrow H-alpha and H-beta consistent with a galactic object. (4) Best match to Type Ib SN2004gq at -5d. Spectroscopic redshift from SDSS. (5) Previously classified by ePESSTO; ATel #11476. Spectroscopic redshift from SDSS. (6) Narrow and possibly broad H-alpha components. Spectroscopic redshift from SDSS. (7) Best matches to SN1987a at z=0.025 at -82d, and Type IIP SN1999em at z=0.007 around peak.