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The recent Giant NIR Flare of the Blazar CTA102

ATel #9801; L. Carrasco, J. Miramon, E. Recillas, A. Porras, V. Chavushyan, D. Y. Mayya (INAOE, Mexico)
on 28 Nov 2016; 20:32 UT
Credential Certification: LUIS CARRASCO (

Subjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, AGN, Blazar, Quasar

Referred to by ATel #: 9808, 9821, 9840, 9841, 9863, 9868, 9869, 9901, 9911

Following the reports of the optical brightening of CTA102 (Atel #9732), we observed the recent NIR flare of this high redshift Blazar (z=1.037), cross identified with the Gamma ray source 2FGLJ2232.4+1143 and the radio source 4C+11.69. On November 13th, 2016 (MJD 2457705.65), we determined the fluxes in the NIR to be J = 11.625 +/- 0.05 , H = 10.503 +/- 0.05 and Ks = 9.742, That is a factor of 5 larger than the flux we determined for this object on MJD 2457687 when the source flux corresponded to H = 12.297 +/- 0.04. That is an important flux increment in a rather short lapse. The object is brightest since the time we started monitoring it the NIR on MJD 2454623. Our observations are carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico), equipped with the instrument CANICA a NIR camera. We encourage further multi wavelength coverage.