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SALT spectroscopic classification of SN 2016gkg as a young type-II supernova

ATel #9528; S. W. Jha (Rutgers), V. van Wyk, P. Vaisanen (SALT/SAAO)
on 21 Sep 2016; 23:07 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Saurabh Jha (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 9529, 9536, 9556, 9561, 9562, 9573, 9576

On 2016 Sep 21.9 UT we obtained SALT (+RSS) spectroscopy of SN 2016gkg, the object reported by Victor Buso and Sebastian Otero, and confirmed by ASAS-SN (ATel #9521) and ATLAS (ATel #9526). The spectrum covers the wavelength range 360-935 nm and shows a blue continuum with weak, broad P-Cygni features of H-alpha and H-beta, indicating a young type-II supernova. Adopting a host galaxy redshift of 1481 km/s for NGC 613 (Koribalski et al. 2004, AJ, 128, 16; via NED) yields an expansion velocity for the supernova of 17,000 km/s measured to the "trough" of the H-alpha line. Narrow interstellar Na I D absorption is visible both from the Milky Way (equivalent width approximately 0.1 Angstrom for D1+D2) and from the host (equivalent width approximately 0.7 Angstrom, D1+D2).

Our spectrum is posted on the Transient Name Server SN 2016gkg page.