Amplitude correction to ATEL #9509
ATel #9510; T. Pogrosheva, O. Gress, V. Lipunov (Lomonosov MSU), Podesta R. (OAFA), Levato H.(ICATE), Gorbovskoy E., Tyurina N.,Balanutsa P., Kuznetsov A., Kornilov V., Kuvshinov D., Vladimirov V., Ivanov K.(Lomonosov MSU), Saffe C.(ICATE), Lopez C., Podesta, F.(OAFA)
on 20 Sep 2016; 00:43 UT
Credential Certification: Nataly Tyurina (
Subjects: Optical, A Comment
There is a star in VIZIER at the position of MASTER OT J220559.40-341434.9 (ATEL #9509) with known B2=18.24,R2=18.4(USNO-B1) and UV (GALEX, it means the possible accretion to white dwarf). MASTER unfiltered W is calibrated by USNO-B1 as w=0.2B+0.8R, so current outburst's Amplitude is more then 3.9m (not 7.5). There is reference image with unfiltered m_OT=18.4 on 2016-08-02.21091 UT(m_lim=20.3m).
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