Sudden optical brightening of M31N 2016-04a
ATel #9390; Hiroyuki Maehara (Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, NAOJ, NINS), Seiichiro Kiyota (VSOLJ)
on 21 Aug 2016; 00:43 UT
Credential Certification: Hiroyuki Maehara (
Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Variables
Referred to by ATel #: 9394
We report photometric observations of the sudden brightening of the
nova M31N 2016-04a = MASTER OT J004528.12+414117.6 (ATel #8950, #9116).
The current brightening was discovered by Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima
on 2016-08-16.8 at mag 18.1 (TCP J00452804+4141168).
According to our photometry, this object was observed at roughly constant
brightness (~20.2 mag) from 2016-07-16 to 2016-08-06 and then, the object
brightened to 19.8 mag on 2016-08-09, 19.2 mag on 2016-08-10, and 18.7 mag
on 2016-08-11. The most recent data show that the object brightened by 2 mag.
Our photometric observations performed with the 61cm telescope at Sierra Remote
( T-24)
and the MITSuME 50cm telescope
(Kotani et al. 2005,
Il Nuovo Cimento C, 58, 755) at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory are
summarized as below.
Date-Obs. Magnitude Filter Telescope
2016-07-06.760 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO
2016-07-10.763 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO
2016-07-17.466 20.19 L* 61cm@SRO
2016-07-26.463 20.35 L 61cm@SRO
2016-07-31.762 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO
2016-08-06.472 20.22 L 61cm@SRO
2016-08-07.728 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO
2016-08-08.719 >19.5 g 50cm@OAO
2016-08-09.486 19.78 L 61cm@SRO
2016-08-10.380 19.16 L 61cm@SRO
2016-08-10.645 19.3 g 50cm@OAO
2016-08-11.667 18.7 g 50cm@OAO
2016-08-12.634 18.8 g 50cm@OAO
2016-08-14.458 18.49 L 61cm@SRO
2016-08-17.489 18.24 L 61cm@SRO
2016-08-18.473 18.13 L 61cm@SRO
*) bandpass: 400-700 nm
The flare-like brightening (Δm ~ 2 mag) of this object is similar to that
of V723 Cas (e.g.,
et al. 1996, A&A, 315, 166) and V5558 Sgr (e.g.,
Tanaka et al. 2011, PASJ, 63, 911).
Follow-up observations are encouraged.