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ATLAS discoveries of optical transients

ATel #8839; J. Tonry, L. Denneau, B. Stalder, A. Heinze, A. Sherstyuk (IfA, University of Hawaii), A. Rest (STScI), K. W. Smith, S. J. Smartt (Queen's University Belfast)
on 18 Mar 2016; 13:26 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Stephen Smartt (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 8844, 8856

We report the following transients found by the ATLAS survey (see Tonry et al. ATel #8680). ATLAS is a twin 0.5m telescope system on Haleakala and Mauna Loa. The first unit is operational on Haleakala is robotically surveying the sky. Two filters are used, cyan and orange (denoted c and o, all mags in AB system), more information is on All transients have been registered with the IAU TNS.

Host galaxy identifications and redshifts are from NED or the Pan-STARRS1 3Pi image stack, and absolute magnitude calculations include an estimate of Milky Way foreground extinction at the filter wavelength. (For reference MJD 57465 == 18 March 2016 ). We consider them all to be probable supernovae.

Name      | ATLAS Name | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Disc Mag |   z      | Notes 
AT2016bev | ATLAS16ago | 07:47:50.21 | -18:44:12.8 |  57457.33  |  17.78 c | 0.010797 | 1.  
AT2016bex | ATLAS16ahf | 07:19:27.39 | +47:32:19.8 |  57458.33  |  17.43 c | 	      | 2.  
AT2016bey | ATLAS16ahj | 11:37:40.23 | +57:04:41.5 |  57458.43  |  18.43 c | 0.073036 | 3.  
AT2016bez | ATLAS16ahd | 14:56:34.08 | +57:00:47.4 |  57448.57  |  18.55 c | 0.078078 | 4.  
AT2016bfa | ATLAS16agw | 14:58:01.09 | +63:27:30.7 |  57449.56  |  18.87 c | 0.046632 | 5.  
AT2016bfb | ATLAS16agy | 16:33:57.93 | +46:16:56.0 |  57449.59  |  18.57 c | 0.030526 | 6.  
AT2016bfc | ATLAS16agv | 16:41:09.71 | +50:58:20.9 |  57458.59  |  18.26 c |          | 7.  
AT2016bfd | ATLAS16ahb | 18:02:55.28 | +69:15:29.7 |  57458.62  |  17.95 c |          | 8.  
1. 51 arcsec from ESO 560-G013 at d=40 Mpc. M_c = -16.4 at discovery. Has risen to m=17.0 
2. No catalogued host galaxy, nothing visible in Pan-STARRS1 grizy 3Pi stack. Has faded to m=18.0 
3. Nuclear transient coincident with core of early type galaxy 2MASX J11374023+5704420, d=303 Mpc. M_c=-19.  
4. 4.7 arcsec from SDSS J145634.48+570044.0 at d=323 Mpc. M_c = -19.1 
5. 2.9 arcsec from 2MASX J14580123+6327336 at d=195 Mpc. M_c = -17.6 
6. 8.9 arcsec from SDSS J163357.26+461701.6 at d=131 Mpc, M_c = 17.1  
7. Very faint, likely host galaxy, detected in Pan-STARRS1 i-band stack, i~23. Rising, now m=17.5.  
8. 5.9 arcsec from likely host galaxy 2MASX J18025452+6915258, no redshift.