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Near-Infrared spectroscopy of the possible nova candidate PNV J17355050-2934240

ATel #8809; Mudit Srivastava, Vishal Joshi, D. P.K. Banerjee, and N. M. Ashok (Astronomy and Astrophysics Division, Physical Research Laboratory, India)
on 13 Mar 2016; 04:28 UT
Credential Certification: Dipankar P.K. Banerjee (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Nova

Referred to by ATel #: 8811, 8817, 8841, 8853

We report near-infrared observations of PNV J17355050-2934240 which has been reported as a possible nova candidate in the CBAT TOCP site ( The object was detected by Minoru Yamamoto, Japan at a magnitude of about 10.6 during Mar 11.8012 - 11.8183 UT with the noting that it was below 11.0 mag on Feb. 10.8372 UT. We obtained a near-IR spectrum on 2016 March 12.98 with the 1.2m Mount Abu telescope in the 0.9-2.4 micron region at a resolution of ~ 1000 using the NICS imager-spectrograph. The spectrum taken under fairly cloudy conditions, suggests that the object is an Fe II nova caught early in outburst and on its rise to maximum. Most of the standard HI, CI and OI lines seen in the NIR spectra of Fe II novae (Banerjee and Ashok, BASI, 40, 243) are present but they are either deeply in absorption or have weak or marginal emission components. P-Cygni profiles are seen in many of the lines; the velocity separation between emission peak and absorption trough of the Paschen beta 1.2818 micron line is ~ 830 km/s. A slightly larger value of ~ 1050 km/s is obtained for the Brackett gamma 2.1656 micron line. Further observations are encouraged.