We report the discovery of two extreme scattering events (ESE; 1, 2) in progress:
PMN J1740-0811 (RA=17:40:01.6 dec=-08:11:14.8 J2000) appears to be a long duration ESE which started about MJD 57300. It appears to be currently demagnified.
87GB 192724.2+090329 (RA=19:29:47.9 dec=+09:10:03.6 J2000) is a rapid ESE that probably began around MJD 57360. It appears to be currently during its second magnification.
Radio light curves and spectra are available here [3]
We are currently monitoring both ESEs with the ATCA and VLBA. We encourage multiwavelength monitoring.
[1] http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1987Natur.326..675F
[2] http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016Sci...351..354B
[3] http://www.atnf.csiro.au/content/keith-bannister/atese/atel1