Classification of Gaia16acv as a Type Ia supernova near maximum light
ATel #8683; A. S. Piascik, I. A. Steele (Liverpool JMU)
on 12 Feb 2016; 16:02 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Iain Steele (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We conducted a spectroscopic observation of transient Gaia16acv at
2016-02-11T23:34:08 UT. This transient was detected by the Gaia
Photometric Science survey on 2016-02-08T11:35:08 UT at position
RA=11:59:49.80, DEC=54:48:07.60.
A spectrum was obtain in the visible, 400-800nm, with resolution R~350,
using the SPRAT spectrograph on the Liverpool Telescope located at Roque
de los Muchachos.
Classification using SNID (Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024)
indicates it is a type Ia supernova. We find a close match with SN2003du
at -1 days with an estimated red-shift of z=0.077.
The nearest galaxy is SDSS J115949.80+544807.1 (NED) at a separation of
0.01 arcmin, no red-shift available. Assuming the SNID red-shift, the velocity
of the ejecta from the Si II absorption feature at 635.5 nm is estimated
to be ~11,100 km/s.
Liverpool Telescope