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A new optical flare in the OJ287 blazar

ATel #8667; S. Zola, B. Debski, A. Goyal (Jagiellonian University), M. Valtonen (University of Turku), S. Ciprini (ASI Science Data Center), W. Ogloza, M. Drozdz, M. Siwak (Mt. Suhora Observatory), K. Sadakane, K. Matsumoto (Osaka Kyoiku University), M. Kagitani, S. Okano, T. Sakanoi (Tohoku University), K. Gazeas (University of Athens), H. Jermak, I. A. Steele (Liverpool John Moores University), J. Dalessio, J. Provencal (University of Delaware), D. E. Reichart, J. P. Moore, A. P. LaCluyze, K. M. Ivarsen (University of North Carolina), A. Erdem, F. Alicavus (Canakale University), D. B. Caton (Appalachian State University), W. C Keel (University of Alabama), M. Kidger (European Space Agency), R. Naves, Montse Campas (Observatorio de Montcabre, Barcelona
on 10 Feb 2016; 18:26 UT
Credential Certification: Staszek Zola (

Subjects: Optical, AGN, Blazar

Referred to by ATel #: 8697, 8705, 8768, 8777, 8778, 8806

OJ287 has been monitored in the optical wavelength with small telescopes since the beginning of September, 2015. In November and December, an unprecedented outburst in the optical band was noticed (ATels: 8382, 8395, 8401, 8411, 8438), with OJ287 reaching 12.9 mag in the R filter. This outburst, with a possible significant thermal component, was followed by two flares of smaller amplitudes with maxima occurring on Dec 22, 2015 and January 12, 2016, originating in the jet. Here we report renewed optical activity of OJ287 that started on February 5. Brightness of OJ287 rapidly rose from about 15 mag (Feb 5) to 13.87 (Feb 10) in the R band. Most recent observation taken with PROMPT5 at 3 UT, Feb 10, indicate the target to be still increasing its brightness. On Feb 3 the degree of polarization measured using the RINGO3 polarimeter on the Liverpool Telescope was ~10%, rising to ~17% on Feb 7 and to 18-19% on Feb 8. This may also confirm the flare to be of jet origin.