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Violent activity of blazars CTA102, OJ287 and S4 0954+65

ATel #8374; V. M. Larionov (St. Petersburg University and Pulkovo Observatory), A. A. Arkharov, N. V. Efimova, S. A. Klimanov (Pulkovo Observatory), A. Di Paola (INAF-Rome)
on 6 Dec 2015; 12:36 UT
Credential Certification: V. Larionov (

Subjects: Infra-Red, AGN, Black Hole, Blazar

Referred to by ATel #: 8382, 8395, 8411, 8438, 8476

We perform near-infrared monitoring of a sample of gamma-bright blazars using 1.1-m AZT-24 telescope (Campo Imperatore, Italy), as a part of WEBT/GASP project. We report that CTA102 reached J=13.02 in the night of 2015 Dec. 05, TJD 57362.3, brightest value since its huge outburst in 2012. OJ287 (see also ATel #8372) had J=11.29 in the night of 2015 Dec. 04, TJD 57361.7 (the brightest level we have seen during our 10-years monitoring campaign), declining from 11.72 to J=11.82 next night. S4 0954+65, being in the state of enhanced activity since 2015 January, with J=13.04 in the night of 2015 Dec. 05 was 1.5 mag. brighter than during the quiescence level. J band light curves for CTA102, OJ287 and 0954+65 can be seen on our web-page.