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X-ray Flaring State in the LBL Source OJ 287

ATel #8395; Alicja Wierzcholska (Insitute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences), Hubert Siejkowski (AGH University of Science and Technology, ACC Cyfronet AGH)
on 10 Dec 2015; 12:00 UT
Credential Certification: Alicja Wierzcholska (

Subjects: X-ray, AGN, Black Hole

Referred to by ATel #: 8401, 8411

The low energy-peaked BL Lacertae type source OJ 287 (z=0.306) is currently flaring in the optical and infrared regimes (ATEL #8372, #8374, #8378, #8382). The source is also monitored in the X-ray range with Swift-XRT since November, 27th 2015. During the period of observations the flux level in the energy range of 2-10 keV has reached (8.5E-12 +/- 1.1E-12) ergs/cm2/s. For the comparison in the quiescence state OJ 287 is characterized with the flux level in the same energy range of about 2.0E-12 ergs/cm2/s. The maximal value has been observed on December, 5th (MJD 57361.429144) and it is consistent with the date of the optical maximum reported in ATEL #8374 and #8382. The blazar remains active in the X-ray regime and Swift-XRT continues observation.