Detection of renewed optical activity from the gamma-ray source PKS 1510-089 with ATOM
ATel #7799; F. Jankowsky, M. Zacharias, A. Wierzcholska, G. Cologna, M. Mohamed, S. Schwemmer, S. Wagner (LSW Heidelberg)
on 14 Jul 2015; 16:43 UT
Credential Certification: Stefan J. Wagner (
Subjects: Optical, Gamma Ray, Request for Observations, AGN, Blazar
As part of ongoing monitoring, the Automatic Telescope for Optical Monitoring (ATOM) located at the H.E.S.S. site in Namibia has detected a new increase of optical flux from PKS 1510-089 (RA=15:12:50, Dec=-09:05:58). The preliminary analysis shows a peak of R=14.08±0.05 at 2015-07-13 23h08 (MJD=57216.967) with still rising trend.
This exceeds the highest flux observed during the recent flare reported in ATel #7542, where ATOM measured R=14.30±0.04 at 2015-05-25 01h23 (MJD=57166.061). This flux is comparable to the highest flux recorded on 2009-05-10. The factor ~6 change (compared to quiescence) is not matched by a comparable increase of the gamma-ray flux.
ATOM continues observation.