Near Infrared flaring of the blazar FSRQ PKS 1510-089: MIRO Observations
ATel #7495; Sameer, Navpreet Kaur, S. Ganesh, V. Kumar, K. S. Baliyan (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India)
on 12 May 2015; 12:34 UT
Credential Certification: Kiran S Baliyan (
Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Gamma Ray, VHE, Request for Observations, AGN, Blazar, Quasar
FSRQ PKS1510-089 (quasar BZQJ1512-0905, cross identified with the gamma-ray source 2FGLJ1512.8-0906) was detected as VHE source (E>100MeV) at 5-sigma level by AGILE (Bulgarelli et al Atel # 6366) during the observations integrated over July 13-Aug 2, 2014. Stanek et al (Atel # 7384) reported unprecedented optical flaring in PKS 1510-089 on April 13, 2015 since March 2012, brightening in V band by more than 1 magnitude in about 30 days. Carrasco et al (Atel # 7466) made NIR observations on the source and reported an enhancement of brightness by a factor of 2 during 19 days (April 10-29, 2015) with J= 13.139, H= 12.318, Ks=11.425 on Apr 29, 2015 (JD2457141.9659).
We followed up the source in near infrared using 1.2m telescope of Mt Abu InfraRed Observatory (MIRO) operated by the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India. Near Infrared Camera and Spectrograph(NICS) used during May 5 and 6, 2015, provided the following magnitude values in near IR:
JD2457148.3125, J= 13.32(03), H= 12.41(08), Ks= 11.38(05) and
JD2457149.3125, J= 13.35(04), H= 12.38(08), Ks= 11.38(06)
The above observed values suggest that the source is still in high state, much brighter than its April 10, 2015 levels. It would be interesting to see source behavior across the electromagnetic spectrum and hence multi-wavelength monitoring of PKS 1610-089 is strongly suggested.